Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Leadership and Steve Jobs

I would like to start out by saying what leadership means to me personally. According to what I learned while I was in the marines being a leader means that you have to be strong and not just on a physical level but on a mental one as well. I have seen leaders make some very tough decisions and sometimes they do have to make the tough decisions even if it is not the most popular one. In the marines leadership also meant having the task to discipline others as well as being disciplined yourself. One had to be tough so that they can show others how to be the same and survive in difficult situations that life may bring your way.I found an interesting approach to leadership in ebscohost under the article Leaders teaching Leaders written by authors Buck, Marty and Martin, Mary. This article talks about a leadership program at Medtronic Inc. that encourages leaders of the company to do a great amount of self-reflection. A direct quote from Lonny Stormo the Vice President of Medtronic Inc. states â€Å"I wanted an opportunity for my leadership team to spend time on their own development,† explains Lonny Stormo, vice president for Pre-Market Quality.â€Å"In our busy day-to-day work, we don't give our leaders enough time to reflect and identify the areas of development they think are vital for their leadership development. By carving out time †¦ you drive commitment to the process. † I believe this approach gives the leaders of that company the confidence to make intelligent decisions and the employees of the company confidence in the leaders of the company to make the right decisions. The self-identification competencies concept from the article was very intriguing to me as it mainly gives one a chance to look at the great skills they have and how the skills were learned.In my opinion this is a good concept to not only develop leadership abilities but to focus on how each individual can use their strengths to be the best leader that they can be. I h ave learned from another article in ebscohost titled Coaching written by Elowitt, Andrew that leadership can encompass many different areas. For instance, this article talks about lawyers and what is expected of them regarding management of many different cases. Lawyers are expected to have knowledge and display competent leadership abilities in multiple areas include the latest laws when it comes to technology.Although most of the skills that they are expected to know about leadership are not taught in law school it is beneficial for the lawyer to improve on many skills to develop more knowledge and become the best lawyer that they can be. This approach gave me a new view on leadership by teaching me that I could be a good leader in any field as long as I kept an open mind and have a willingness to learn new things. Another important part of this concept is going beyond just knowing the subject but this article also suggest that developing good relationship skills is very crucial t o be a good leader.In my personal years of experience I have found that the best teamwork comes when each team member has a good relationship with each other and the leader of that team. There is a quote in Business News Daily that can be found at the link http://www. businessnewsdaily. com/2632-leadership-quotes. html that Bill Gates stated that says â€Å"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who will empower others. † Another quote is â€Å"You cannot be a leader and ask others to follow you, unless you know how to follow too.† This was spoken by Sam Rayburn a former speaker of the house. These quotes mean a great deal to me when it comes to leadership. The first one by Bill Gates makes me think that in order to be a good leader that one must have a vision to see greatness and also be able to communicate that greatness to others so that they may become great as well. The second one by Sam Rayburn is one that I always lived by. It lets me know that I should lead by example and not to ask others to do what I am not willing to do myself.This method has made leaders credible and trustworthy or made them into false leaders that are basically company men. The leader I have chosen to talk about is Steve Jobs the late Apple CEO. The reason I have chosen him is because he was an important leader in my field of study which is network administration and he was an awesome leader for Apple and in the technology industry. I have discovered in Wikipedia that Steve Jobs was not only the cofounder of Apple but also Pixar Animation Studios and was viewed as a guru regarding the advancement of consumer electronics.In an article I read in ebscohost from Harvard Business Review there was a quote that was spoken about the leadership style of Steve Jobs by Gilberte Houbart director of Media Product Design that states â€Å"Steve Jobs was a role model of courage and discipline: courage to get through multiple failures and discipline to learn from them. He stayed focused and worked hard, even in the face of illness and death. † I would like to emulate his leadership abilities and this lets me know that I must have the courage to achieve even when obstacles stand in my way and that I can learn from failures.Also from what I read in ebscohost I learned that he was a very hard worker and focused individual and wanted the best from others. It has been said all over the media that Steve Jobs was very persuasive and charismatic when it came to dealing with employees. However, some of his employees described him as being erratic and temperamental and also somewhat of a bully. According to Wikipedia Jobs was a demanding perfectionist that wanted his business and products to be in the forefront of the technology industry.Steve Jobs may have been a little rough around the edges and difficult for some people to work with but I as well as many others have to admire his vision and determination to be the very best in the indust ry and sometimes hurting a few feelings along the way may be unavoidable. Steve Jobs will always be legendary for all that he has achieved for as long as there is information available for us to read. In conclusion I would like to restate what leadership means to me. According to all of my wonderful sources and personal experience I have learned that being a leader is a great deal more than just telling people what to do.Being a leader means to have a vision and being able to communicate it to other as well as developing a good relationship with them so that they will believe in your ability to lead. Steve Jobs may not have always been the most likeable person on the block but his persuasiveness and ability to project his vision was unparalleled. Being a good leader also means being a good follower. This is a concept that many leaders forget but is very fundamental in getting people to believe in one’s ability to be a good leader rather than the employee just viewing that per son as someone telling them what to do.There are also many times when the decision that the leader makes is not always the most popular one but if the person that is in leadership learns to evaluate their selves as I mentioned that I learned from a project that is going on in Medtronic Inc. they will learn to be confident in their decisions and evaluate that the right course of action is being made. I now know that to be an effective leader I will have a vision and pursue knowledge in spite of any obstacles that may come into my path to success. I will persevere and learn from my failures and learn to be persuasive hopefully in a manner similar to Steve Jobs.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Constitutionality of Stop and Frisk Essay

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. It also states that no warrants shall be issued without a probable cause. Modern jurisprudence has afforded police officers an incentive to respect the amendment. The Stop and Frisk law allows police officers to stop someone and do a quick search of their outer clothes for weapons if the officer has a reasonable suspicion that a crime has or is about to take place and the person stopped is armed or dangerous. The reasonable suspicion must be based with specific articulable facts and not on just an officer’s hunch. The Stop and Frisk law balances crime control, protects an individual’s right, and prevents unreasonable searches. The Fourth Amendment states, â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be seized (Lehman 471-476). This amendment can be broken into 2 distinct parts the reasonableness clause and the warrant clause. In the beginning, the U. S. Supreme Court adopted the conventional Fourth Amendment approach, which says the warrant and reasonableness clauses are firmly connected. The reasonableness clause protects the people’s right against unreasonable searches and seizures. The reasonable clause has to pass the reasonableness test, which consists of two elements that the government has to prove; balancing element and objective basis. The balancing element is the need to search and/or seize outweighs the invasion of liberty and privacy rights of the individuals. The objective basis is when there are enough facts to back up the search and/or seizure. The warrant clauses states that only warrants and probable cause are reasonable. It was not until the 1960’s when the Supreme Court shifted from the conventional approach to the reasonableness Fourth Amendment approach. It states that the 2 clauses are separate, and address separate problems. The warrant clause tells us what the Fourth Amendment requires only when law nforcement officers want to obtain warrants. Since a small percentage of searches and seizures are made with warrants and many searches and seizures don’t require probable cause either, the warrant clause isn’t very important. Today’s stop and frisk law grow out of the practical problems police officers face in preventing and investigating crime on the streets and other public places in our largest cities. In investigations, officers are usually dealing with people they don’t know or probably won’t ever see again. Usually these stranger’s suspicious behavior doesn’t add up to the probable cause needed to arrest them. An example would be that officers don’t have enough facts and circumstances viewed through their professional experience and training to arrest two men, who peer into a store window, look around to see if anyone’s watching them and pace up and down repeating the pattern for 10 minutes. What should the officers do at this point? Keep watching? Do nothing about the situation? Detain the men and pat the down for weapons? Take them to the police station? These issues were raised in the famous Terry v. Ohio, 392 U. S. 1 (1968) case. Terry v. Ohio, 392 U. S. 1 (1968), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court which ruled that the Fourth Amendment prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures on unreasonable searches and seizures was not violated when a police officer stopped a suspect on the street and search him without probable cause. On October 31, 1963, a Cleveland police detective named Martin McFadden saw two men, John W.  Terry and Richard Chilton, standing on a street corner looking suspicious. One would walk by a certain store window, stare in, and walk back to the other to confer. This was repeated several times, and the detective believed that they were plotting to do a store robbery. The officer approached the men and addressed himself as a policeman, and asked their names. When the men appeared suspicious in their answers, Officer McFadden patted them down and discovered that both men were armed. He proceeded to remove their guns and arrested them for carrying concealed weapons. Terry was sentenced to three years in prison. Terry appealed the case, claiming that the guns found should be inadmissible as evidence since his Fourth Amendment rights were violated. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court, where it was it was ruled that his rights had not been violated. In an 8-to-1 decision, the Court held that the search undertaken by the officer was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment and that the weapons seized could be introduced into evidence against Terry. The Court found that the officer acted on more than a â€Å"hunch† and that â€Å"a reasonably prudent man would have been warranted in believing Terry was armed and thus presented a threat to the officer’s safety while he was investigating his suspicious behavior. † The Court found that the searches undertaken were limited in scope and designed to protect the officer’s safety incident to the investigation. In reference to the Fourth Amendment searches and seizures, officers need to prove fewer suspicions facts and circumstances to back up stops and frisks than they do arrests and full-blown searches. Stops and frisks represents the beginning of a chronological path through the criminal process from more frequent and more visible searches and seizures in public to more intrusive searches and seizures out of sight in police stations. Stop and frisks aren’t just fine points for constitutional lawyers and courts to debate. They also reflect broad public policies aimed at balancing the values of crime control and individual liberty and privacy. Since stop and frisks take place in public, the display of police power is there for everybody to see. Because of this visibility, stops and frisks probably shape public opinion of police power more than the greater invasions of arrest and searches that we never see. Deciding which is more important in a constitutional democracy – crime control by means of less intrusive public stops and frisks affecting more people or often invisible arrests and searches affecting fewer people – is both a constitutional and public policy question. The key facts are: 1) Officers are going to stop many people who haven’t done anything wrong; and they’ll frisk lots of people who aren’t armed. 2) Most of the same people want police protection and (at least in high-crime neighborhoods) need it more than people who live in safe neighborhoods. 3) Both lawbreakers and law abiders in high-street-crime neighborhoods from lasting opinions about the police from street encounters they’ve watched or experienced.

Development or environmental injustice Essay

What does it really take to experience development? What are the defining criteria for development? Is development quantitatively measured or qualitatively evaluated? What are the key indicators of a developing or developed country? The answers depend on the person’s priority and preference. The expansion of metropolitan areas has been referred to as urban development by those who are after the material indicators of development- high rise buildings, wider highways, more cars and more parks. For those who are concerned with the long-term environmental and health effects of urbanization, they call it urban sprawl. For the purpose of having a common point of reference, let me use 1Dr. Howard Frumkin’s definition of urban sprawl: â€Å"the complex pattern of land use, transportation and social and economic development. † This complex pattern requires the extension of urban areas to rural areas, and thus converting the latter to urbanized locality. Urbanization implies vast forest and agricultural lands to be converted to different land uses. Sad to say, the list includes recreational facilities and parks which, for investment and environmental considerations are to be of least priority. Extensive roads construction which provides spaces for suburban dwellers to drive a car just to buy a pack of cigarette in the next block, is not suppose to be of immediate consideration. Besides this qualitative indicators of poor urban sprawl considerations, there are environmental threats of urban sprawl that are needed to be evaluated and be given high priority by the development advocates, as it concerns life of the present and future generations. 2â€Å"Automobile has been a prerequisite to urban sprawl. † (J. E. Anderson) The most adverse effect of heavy reliance to automobiles is obviously air pollution. In the United States, 3about 25% of all trips are shorter than one mile of these, 75% are by car. Another related 4study revealed that only 1% of trips in the US are on bicycle and 9% by foot. Do these figures present impressive urban development rates for the US? I am afraid not because the Netherlands has 30% accounting for transportation on bicycle. These facts rather provide proofs that vehicles are the leading source of air pollution. Despite modern environmental standards, urban air quality remains to be greatly affected by the emission of air pollutants from transport. In the 5US alone, 30% of nitrogen oxide and 30% of hydrocarbon emissions are brought about by mobile sources. In addition, 5carbon dioxide emission, which is the end product of burning fuel such as gas, accounts for 80% emissions. Carbon dioxide is the major greenhouse gas, with global warming potential. Needless to explain, development should no be measured quantitatively, that is by the number of cars that are going to and fro the streets of the cities. Rather, development should be measured qualitatively, that how much does it contribute to the quality of life the residents are to experience when programs relative to urban sprawl are push through. Housing development is a part of urban sprawl, which requires forest fragmentation. 6Chet Arnold of the Center for Land-use and Research at the University of Connecticut said forest fragmentation occurs when â€Å"large, continuous forests are divided into smaller blocks, either by roads, clearing for agriculture, urbanization, or other human development. † This means that housing development requires animal populations in the cleared forests to be thrown out of their natural habitats. Destruction of natural habitats accounts for great loss of biodiversity, which results to ecological imbalance. I agree that man deserve to have decent life and part of it is having a more comfortable living. But humans are not the only residents of the earth. We also have to take into consideration the floras and faunas as part of biodiversity. Let us remember that earth creatures are dependent on each other. Humans, being given the capacity to think and understand over the lower forms of life should see things beyond material and short-term comforts that development brings. Urban sprawl in this context alone is clearly an environmental injustice. Water resources are not exempted from the list of natural resources that are directly affected by urban sprawl. As requisite of urban sprawl deforestation brings forth water pollution. This is besides the effects of pollutants that directly come from factories, sewage treatment plants and local wastes, which are typical to urbanized cities. Rainwater that runs through the deforested lands are not effectively absorbed and thus flows downstream. This process results to lesser groundwater recharge, then water supply shortage follows. Added to the list of negative effects of urban sprawl to natural resources are noise pollution, the heat island effect, soil erosion and the declining fertility rates of soils. The main point of all these is that urban sprawl is the root of many environmental injustices. Air pollution, deforestation, water pollution, soil degradation and the destruction of biodiversity are results of a chain reaction from a single step to what others refer to as urban development. What humans failed to do and still refuse to consider is the future. Development projects, of which urban sprawl is a major player, are focused on comforts and pleasures of today and shortly after tomorrow. The next generation should be taken into serious consideration. There are things that still can be undone, but there are things that cannot. Natural resources that were destroyed can still be replaced, but it takes a century to bring them back to where they used to be. By itself, there’s nothing wrong with development. What makes it undesirable is its planner to consider the future. REFERENCES 1. Frumkin, Howard. Urban Sprawl and Public Health. Public Health Reports. May-June 2002 issue. Volume 117. page 201 2. Anderson, J. Edward. Personal Rapid Transit and Urban Development. Retrieved from http://faculty. washington. edu/jbs/itrans/sprawl. htm on December 19, 2006 3. Koplan, JP, Dietz. Caloric Imbalance and Public Health Policy. JAMA 1999. 282. pages 1579-81 4. Pucher, J. Bicycling Boom in Germany: A Revival Engineered by Public Policy. Transportation Q 1997:51. pages 31-46 5. US Environmental Agency. National Emission Inventory. Air Pollutant Emission Trends. Current Emission Trend Summaries. Retrieved from http://www. epa. gov/ttn/chief/trends/index. html on December 19, 2006 6. NASA. Urban Sprawl: The Big Picture. Retrieved from http://science. nasa. gov/headlines/y2002/11oct_sprawl. htm on December 19, 2006

Monday, July 29, 2019

Strategic Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Plan - Essay Example In line with the company’s vision which is to be continually recognized as the innovative manufacturer of highly engineered electronic sensors through innovative research and development that would revolutionize the electronic sensor industry through its more productive, highly accessible and affordable products consistent with standards of excellence and social responsibility, the Electronic Sensor Manufacturing Company, has identified the following internal capabilities, as well as opportunities and threats in the external environment, eight years from now: Company facilities were improved concurrent with advancement in technology in the areas of machine shop, surface mount, testing, and processing using state of the art engineering equipment and facilities. Abiding by ethical standards continue to pay off in terms of better financial performance with employees exhibiting higher performance and productivity due to an environment of trust, employees are therefore more loyal c ontributing to low turnover, and a preponderance for higher investor loyalty, among others. Reliance on long term debts to fund research and development, as well as state of the art equipment and facilities could prove to have potential drawbacks in terms of the financial turmoil in the global

Sunday, July 28, 2019

On the instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

On the instruction - Essay Example This problem can be solved through parental, guardian as well as educators’ intervention so as to be in a position to educate children about the constructive use of the internet. It should be everyone’s responsibility to provide internet safe education to the children so that they become aware of the risks they are likely to encounter through the use of the internet. The other solution that can be implemented in order to deal with this particular problem is related to empowerment of the children so that they can become masters of the destiny in as far as internet use is concerned. There are different ways of implementing these measures which are likely to provide a long solution to the problem that is related to adverse impacts of the internet on children. According to the Internet Society, â€Å"the most effective way to deal with perceived problems arising from Internet use is to empower children and young people so they know how to safeguard themselves against the a dverse effects of using the internet.† Whilst other strategies are used by different governments such as filtering or blocking websites that are thought to contain malicious information to children, it can be seen that these techniques have their own shortfalls. A holistic approach that is people centred should be implemented in order to address this problem. Empowerment of children with regards to the use of the internet is very effective since this strategy is designed to produce positive benefits of using the internet. There are different empowerment techniques that can be used such as teaching the children about appropriate language to use as well as imparting knowledge to them about their respective communities’ social, cultural and ethical norms that shape their behaviour. Every person belongs to a culture that has norms and values and these create the identity of the people living in that particular area. The culture of people also shapes their identity hence it is the role of the parents in particular to impart knowledge about their cultural values to the children. This can help the children to distinguish between something that is good from bad. Children who are aware of their cultural values are likely to maintain them throughout their lives. These values also help them to know the things they are allowed to do as well as things they are not allowed to do in their society. Morally upright children often display positive traits about their culture and this can redeem them from behaving badly when they are using the internet. It is also important for the parents as well as the educators to educate their children about the positive benefits that can be derived from using the internet. As stated by the Internet Society, it can be observed that the internet is not evil since it has significantly improved our lives in various ways. There are more benefits that are likely to be obtained from using the internet than the negative aspects such as the ones mentioned above. Essentially, parents and the educators should always strive to educate their children to be in a position to make a distinction between something that is bad from good. Whilst the parents and teachers spend most of the time with their children, it can be noted that they cannot control their behaviour all the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Domestic Violence Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Domestic Violence - Dissertation Example C. The Dynamics of DV: This part attempts to understand victimization in and perpetration of DV. D. Types of DV Perpetrators: This part will try to understand the nature of DV perpetrators and how DV perpetrators are categorized. E. Domestic Violence and Children: This discusses the impact of DV on children. F. Evaluating and Enhancing the Effectiveness of Batterer Intervention Programs: This seeks to understand how existing batterer intervention programs are being viewed by various authors. A. Explaining Domestic Violence 1. Definition Reviewed literatures’ (Brewster 23-24; Davis 3; Hague, Mullender & Aris 1; McCue 2-4; Myers 735; Peters et al. 8; West 10) definition of domestic violence (DV) – also termed as intimate partner violence (IPV) – vary in terms of determining the acts and relationships that would qualify as such(Garner & Fagan 54, qtd. in Brewster 23). Among definitions, Oregon Domestic Violence Council’s (ODVC) is most explicit: â€Å"†¦ a pattern of coercive behavior used by one person to control and subordinate another in an intimate relationship.† Here, acts defined as coercive/abusive â€Å"include physical, sexual, emotional, and economic,† to which others added psychological (Peters et al. 8); while the purpose of coercive acts is defined as that aims â€Å"to engender fear in the victim in order to enforce compliance.† (qtd. in McCue 3) With most DV incidents reportedly perpetrated against women often by their male intimate partners (Hague, Mullender & Aris 1), DV is often understood as male chauvinism at its worst form, picturing men as animals or beasts whose gratification is imposing their power on women.... The intention of this study is domestic violence (DV) – also termed as intimate partner violence – vary in terms of determining the acts and relationships that would qualify as such. Among definitions, Oregon Domestic Violence Council’s is most explicit: â€Å"†¦ a pattern of coercive behavior used by one person to control and subordinate another in an intimate relationship.† Here, acts defined as coercive/abusive â€Å"include physical, sexual, emotional, and economic,† to which others added psychological; while the purpose of coercive acts is defined as that aims â€Å"to engender fear in the victim in order to enforce compliance.† With most DV incidents reportedly perpetrated against women often by their male intimate partners, DV is often understood as male chauvinism at its worst form, picturing men as animals or beasts whose gratification is imposing their power on women. However, some literatures noted that even women batter and t hat, men themselves are actual victims of DV, though their number is much smaller compared with women victims. Hence, DV – a universal reality that may happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone in any type of intimate relationships – can be understood as any form of abusive behavior willfully and systematically perpetrated against an intimate partner (victim) by another (perpetrator), causing physical injury, psychological trauma and death on the victim, purposely to ensure the perpetrator’s dominance and control over the victim and the relationship

Friday, July 26, 2019

Joan of Arc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Joan of Arc - Essay Example For this reason, the world continues to remember these people long after their demise. One such person who epitomizes selflessness is Joan of Arc, also known as the Maid of France. Joan of Arc overcame challenges that appeared insurmountable at her time and got unheralded achievements. Joan of Arc lived in an era when women did not take a centre stage in matters regarding leadership with male dominance being the order of the day. In the same period, nations engaged one another in wars, which made it a challenge for women to take a leading role. This expose gives an analysis of Joan of Arc's life and the accomplishments, which made her break from the traditional self-image of women. Commonly referred as the Maid of France, Joan of Arc was born in 1412 to Jacques d’Arc and Isabeau Romee, poor farmers at Domremy in the valley of the Meuse (Newman 431). As a young peasant girl, Joan received an education similar to other peasant girls. In this regard, she did not learn how to read and write, but Joan learnt sewing, spinning and repeating the Ave Maria. For someone who went through an informal system of education, it is ironical that Joan of Arc became a subject to many literary works by acclaimed authors. More ironical is that Joan of Arc died at the age of nineteen years (Stanhope 4). Nonetheless, famous English writers such as Shakespeare and Holinshed reviled Joan of Arc, while Southey and Schiller idealized her work with Voltaire ridiculing her (Stone 3). However, for a young girl whose childhood activities included tending to her father’s flocks and working in the field’s, Joan of Arc became a symbol of what Mark Twain referred as a â€Å"peerless human being† (Stone 5). In addition, Mark Twain called her â€Å"the most extraordinary person the human race has ever produced† with George Bernard Shaw calling her â€Å"the queerest fish among the eccentric worthies of the Middle Ages† (Knopf 151). As a young girl, Joan of Arc did not demonstrate any extraordinary acts of boldness and heroism. In fact, Joan of Arc appeared timid when speaking to strangers with her neighbors referring her as a simple-minded though a compassionate girl (Stanhope 4). Joan of Arc’s acts of compassion included tending and nursing the sick and accommodating any wayfarer who found their way to Joan’s home. In addition, Joan was an embodiment of a pious life, which in many cases made her a subject of ridicule by her neighbors and other people. In the fields, Joan would kneel and pray in solitude and go to church and make devotions, which made her spend her pastime in a manner different from the children her age (Stanhope 5). In effect, this young girl started defining her own path at an early age, differentiated from her age mates. Instead of spending time with her peers playing in the fields after spending the day herding or in the farms, Joan of Arc’s commitment to God at her age was exceptional. While Joan was growing up, France was undergoing a series of conflicts between them and England, in the famous period of the Hundred Years’ of War. During Joan’s life in particular, the infant King of England, Henry VI of England, was proclaimed King of France, leaving the rightful heir, Charles the dauphin, holding his weakened courts in a few French provinces (Barstow, â€Å"Joan of Arc† 31). At this time, Joan was only thirteen years, and she had started experiencing visions regarding her being the person who would deliver France

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Linguistic analysis of Gypsie's (ROMANI) dialect of Cyprus (I WOULD Research Paper

Linguistic analysis of Gypsie's (ROMANI) dialect of Cyprus (I WOULD LIKE ONLY A PROPOSAL) - Research Paper Example Romani is a phenomenon of Indic language - the only one - spoken without interruption in Europe since medieval times (Gray 2003). Academic and ethnic studies have largely ignored the existence of this enclave: a glaring omission of which linguistic analysis is urgently required. This Cyprian pocket of Gypsies merits analysis and accurate recording, or the language of such a small and scattered population runs the risk of complete extinction within a few generations (Williams 2000). A detailed study will attempt to discover salient adaptations of this special dialect, and which linguistic system: morphological, phonological, lexical, or syntactical, carries the highest proportion of detectable loan adaptations. The lexical miscellany that survives does evolve, and therefore requires documentation (Trimiklitios 2008). Analysis is needed of certain terms and structures, as in this example: A project currently under way at Manchester University in England has the Romani language, its Indo-Aryan origins and history, and the diaspora of its speakers, under a magnifying glass. It studies ‘place, mobility and dialect differentiation of the Romani people’, exploring the linguistic features and their distribution in geographical space (Matras 2009), using interviews and custom software. Readings of this study and others like it will be invaluable: firstly to discern any mention of the Cypriot Kurbet, and then to understand different methodologies and styles of inquiry. It will provide an excellent launching point, show what already has been discovered and what problems solved, and help decision-making. It has already resolved matters of geneaolgy and culture. Starting with a similar foray into the history and culture of the Cypriot Kurbet, this proposal for research will deepen into an examination of the linguistic shifts and the reasons behind them, with the primary intention of setting up a lexicon of record. The plan is to carry out a