Thursday, October 31, 2019
Windows Vulnerability Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Windows Vulnerability - Research Paper Example This report highlights the details of attacks conducted using this vulnerability, the systems that are vulnerable to this attack, the consequences and effects of the attacks, document some cases where such attacks have taken place and finally explore the fixes that exist so far. As stated above, such an attack takes advantage of the design flaws in transport layer, such that the attacker is able to intercept secure traffic from the target computer. In this way, the attacker could make use of an enticing website to attract a user within the organization. Any processing handled on that website, could trigger sensitive information to flow to the attackers website. A successful attack would be possible if the attacker is able to decrypt the traffic from the target systems, which is normally encrypted. However, the vulnerability will not be extended to users of SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft internet information services (IIS7). These systems will function normally with no fear of remote attacks unless they are deployed on machines with the above named operating systems. The uncontrolled and unauthorized access to target systems creates a channel that the attacker can use to acquire the organization’s sensitive data or plan future attacks. This means, sensitive information could be leaked to competitors; thus, diminishing any competitive advantages that may have existed. Currently, there are no reported cases of attacks conducted by exploiting this vulnerability. According to a vulnerability alert, this exploit has been unproven (Cisco). However, this does not belittle the fact that the vulnerability still exists and measures should be taken to ensure that the organization’s data is safe. Given the fact that this vulnerability can be exploited through remote means, it is important to ensure that the filters and checks are put in place to control
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Critical analysis of the associated persons provisions of Part III of Essay
Critical analysis of the associated persons provisions of Part III of the Family Law Act 1996 (in particular section s.62(3)) - Essay Example n is it extends the court’s power to grant non-molestation orders by including a wider group of persons capable of becoming respondents by the inclusion of the term ‘associated person.’ The list of persons caught by Section 62(3) is exhaustive and includes a former or current spouse, a cohabitant or former cohabitant, persons who have merely shared a common household (except by reason of employment benefits or duties, or by reason of a tenancy or some sort), a relation, a fiancà © or former fiancà ©, a person with whom the complainant has had common responsibility for any child or have had a child with or the complainant and the associated person ‘are parties to the same family proceedings (other than proceedings under this part)’.3 Prior to the enactment of the Family Law Act 1996, the definition of a respondent had been more narrowly defined. A claimant had to first discover against whom she could obtain a non-molestation order against and then decide under what statutory provision she could properly utilize for the necessary non-molestation order. Depending on whether the complainant was a cohabitant or spouse the victim of domestic violence could obtain injunctive relief by virtue of three statutory provisions. They were, the Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1976, the Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates Courts Act 1978 and the Matrimonial Homes Act 1983.4 The Family Law Act 1996 repeals and replaces those Acts and provides a cohesive remedy for protection against violence within the more liberal definition of the home. Craig Lind observes that the 1996 Act ‘for the first time provides a uniform code of domestic violence remedies available, in the main, in all courts with jurisdiction in family proceedings. It is much more victim and child-centred, concentrating on the harm being suffered within the household, and the remedies available to victims.’5 The 1996 Act followed recommendations made by the Law Commission that the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Classical Music
Classical Music Classical music seems definitely more comprehensive and soul searching. Classical music seems to be much less accessible than rock since it has become very elitist. Elitism always strips the emotion necessary to inspire any passion. Because rock is not valued as high art there remains room for real emotion. People always like what is natural and real. Classical music has been and still is a major part of American and European cultures. This type of music was my aunts and still is her favorite type of music. She listened to classical music all of her life ever since she was first introduced to it by her parents back in the mid 1900s. Her parents tried to encourage her to only listen to classical music because they said that it brought peace to the mind and helped people concentrate on their work better. Classical music is just so hard to relate to since there are very few or no words and it has been in existence for a very long period of time without much change. This, is one reason younger people, like me, do not quite know what to make of classical music, but on the other hand, the seriousness of classical music could also be an attraction. To me it is as if classical music and rock inhabit different worlds, where people think in entirely different ways. Listening to classical music was seen as a sign of someone who was very well educated and well mannered. Classical music was just so wonderful to her because it brought together so many different kinds of instruments in a beautiful harmony. Classical music almost never talks about such things. Classical music just seems so repetitive and gets tiring to me very fast. She very much appreciated the musical works of composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Haydn, and many others. Some of these benefits include optimizing brain d evelopment, building social and emotional skills, and stimulating creativity and enhancing joy. According to my aunt, classical music has many benefits. Classical music because she was so engrossed in it that she wanted to learn everything about it and more. This music is just so inspirational. The most obvious example is when rock first appeared in 1954, it was an eruption of black music into the white pop mainstream. When I listen to music, I like to hear words in the song. However, in a classical song, one cannot really try to improvise because it might disrupt some of the harmonies of other instruments, and just overall mess up the whole song. Classical music certainly is more complex. HoweverI always wonder why the rock musicians are millionares. Most of them dont even know how to read music. They dont spend years taking lessons and seem to master their instruments. A guitarist in my favorite rock band, only took a couple of guitar lessonsyet now he is considered one of the best guitarists in rock and is a millionaire. I guess the real art in rock, is the creativity of coming up with something that the public likes. I would say that rock music is the dominant music in the western world today. I wonder why that is. Is it because of the strong beat in rock? Or because it is easier for people to listen to? Or maybe because the rock compositions (overall) are shorter? Is the electric guitar easier to master than symphony instruments? Perhaps the real clue is, there are so many different kinds of classical music, that exploring the genre will eventually involve an attempt to understand some sort of music. And this is what, to me, rock music doesnt need: all you have to do is listen to the music, and listen to the words; if it moves you, you like it. Rock music tends to lack the mental effort of comprehension. This does not mean that people who listen to rock music are stupid :). They are people who simply want to enjoy their music. I see them as wanting to relax to it, not wanting to be discerning and analytical. This is why I like to listen to some rock. As the why rock musicians make more money: They play in huge stadiums, where classical music is very hard to perform. Rock music is generally fairly catchy, has singable lyrics, that really hit home to some people, or just something about the ease in listening to it that makes everyone like it.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Glamorous Spy in Films Such as Casino Royale and Mission Impossible
Introduction - Content Films such as Casino Royale and Mission Impossible are both culturally significant to how people’s general opinions of spies and the profession of espionage. Ian Flemings Bond movies are the longest running film series ever and this helps the perception and opinions of the films to be passed on from generation to generation. So far six actors have taken on the role of James Bond and all were significant super fit good-looking and popular actors. This only helps to increase the popularity of the films and now that the cinema is public it means people of all ages go to watch these films with family and friends. Many films and actors have taken on similar storylines and characters to that of the Bond films such as Johnny English and the Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery films put a lighter, humorous side to the real life dangers that spies face in reality. Also films such as the Alex Rider books based Stormbreaker and the agent Cody Banks films attract a different audie nce than the Bond films in a way because they use young actors and actresses to put across a more understandable and sometimes more watchable film for the younger audience. The Mission Impossible films were based on a 1960’s television show of the same name. Tom Cruise would have been deliberately chosen to take the lead character role in these films. Like the Bond actors this increases interests in the film and also makes the general view and activities of espionage seem glamorous but yet action packed. These films also use the public’s great anticipation and fear of terrorists in these films to engage people and also the films often cleverly use the publics sensitive fear of modern day terrorism to make the films more serious, ... ... violent chase scenes and almost unreal stunts to attract the audience to the films. He uses glamorous gadgets and good looking women also to give the impression that the spies live a fault free life full of wonderful assets. The music used in espionage films is very suited to the style and pace of the films themselves. Every theme tune is very fast, dramatic and striking and makes the audience feel on edge at the start of the film. Often the theme tune is repeated in some form throughout the main action scenes in the film. Many of the signs such as the gunshots, explosions and police sirens make these films suspense action thrillers. I think that the way that the directors use the certain signs to help glamorise the life of spies is clever and very appealing to the audience. This is why these espionage thrillers are so popular among people of different ages.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mental Illness and Crim Behavior
A study done in 1999 shows that out of the three million arrests made, we can see that no specific race, economic group, or gender group is the cause for such a high number of arrests. In the reading it seems as if criminal behavior is spoken about as a means to satisfy ones needs in order to make up for something that they lack. For example in the reading it explains how young adults are often frustrated with their lives regardless of race or economic status, they will find a way to take their frustrations and lash out. This is to say that no matter how â€Å"normal†or â€Å"bizarre†the criminal’s mind seems to be, the criminal still has comprehension and attention to detail of the crime they have been involved in and so they cannot be claimed as â€Å"mentally ill†. Contrary to these findings, one might argue that even though crime is not necessarily a â€Å"race†or â€Å"economic†factor but it does play a role in one’s life (environmental factors). In general it is known that criminal behavior is both an individual and social problem. Some crimes are plotted and carried out while others seem more of a compulsive act. Either way, these crimes require â€Å"logic and self-control†, as it says in the reading. (Page 26) This reading further suggests that no matter how out of the norm a criminal act mat be, the offender has a complete understanding and awareness of the crime and their actions that go along with carrying out the crime. This defeats the groundings of the insanity or the mentally ill but guilty defense. However, after looking back at the reading, one may question the statements made because they seem to one sided in that they are not exploring the idea of a criminal who is mentally ill and just exploring the idea that society is the cause of criminal acts. One statement that is made which stands out is when it is said that â€Å"crime is not contagious like the chicken pox†. While it stands true that just because one person in a community decides to partake in criminal behavior, it does not mean to say that others will soon begin to engage in similar behavior simply because they are close to that initial person. However, when it comes to people who are mentally ill the crimes they commit are a type of â€Å"chicken pox†in that certain mental illnesses cause certain types of crimes so that it is sometimes detectable based on one’s behavior if they are going to commit a crime linked to their mental illness. Also, if a criminal with a mental illness is put into the general population of a correctional facility, they may be influenced by others and their behavior to act in a way similar to those they had contact with. Although the environment of a person often determines their behavior, logic, and emotions their DNA or pre-disposed conditions also play a role. Referring back to the example given on page 27, a man who murdered his wife in the heat of an argument would not be considered for the insanity defense because of his â€Å"temporary insanity†through a violent crime of passion. To Samenow, this person was not â€Å"seized by an alien†or had an â€Å"uncontrollable impulse†and so this man was not out of character for committing this crime because according to Samenow he had voiced in the past that he had wished her dead or that the man often held vendettas against those who crossed him. Samenow then shows a case in which a man with worse problems (his wife cheating on him), did not seek revenge in this way and chose to act rationally by petitioning for a divorce. According to Samenow the first case exhibits a man not with a mental illness but with a social/personal problem whose environment forces him to choose to act in such a way. Although compelling it can be argued that this instead is an example of a man who is able to portray or mimic what the â€Å"norm†is and can appear to be functioning normally despite having there be a severe mental illness such as a personality disorder in which he engages in purposeful malicious behavior (pushing his wife, seeking revenge for those who harm him) and may actually be more harm to himself than others before murdering his wife. This person may be highly charming, intelligent, and able to be very put together meanwhile internally he cannot cope with the environment around him and so he creates this persona of the person who others expect him to be. This is a person who suffers from a major mental illness and will not be able to emotionally understand their crimes or the logic/morality for why it is wrong. Although having a mental illness may for an individual to act in a certain way, it does not excuse their actions and they should have consequences just as any other person would. However, a person with a mental illness should be held to a different level of responsibility since they already cannot cope with their lives which is why they acted in such a way to begin with. A criminal with a mental illness should be put into therapy to allow them to gain techniques to cope with life and with situations which cause them to act out along with an incarceration sentence.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
One Shot Society Essay
As the great Colin Powell said, â€Å"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure. †People’s success in life is determined by their sacrifice and hard work while young. We can go back in time and arrange every error we commit, meaning that we only have one opportunity in life. My essay will talk about the differences between Hondurans and South Koreans in terms of effort, opportunities, demands and expectations. Countries such as South Korea take very seriously the academic part of life in order to succeed in every aspect of it. Since early people grow with this way of life in which giving every inch of effort counts. Parents lead their children with strict habits of studying instead of doing other activities. Society demands youth to get well prepared for life and they have to respond by demonstrating it in their academic life. The results of studying and being dedicated shows when preparing for college. For example, admissions test for college is a day where society paralyzes, because this is crucial, this is the only shot they got to start with the right foot and have a decent life for probably the next 60 years. If people are not enough dedicated, they will have more difficulties in life. Koreans are usually hard working by nature; they don’t need to be told what to do, they work for it and at the end everything pays. On the other hand we have Honduras, a poor country where society has low demands on individuals; A country where goods are not fairly distributed. Not everyone in the country has opportunities to succeed, if people do not have money, even if they have the desire of giving everything in academics, opportunities do not present. Public education is very poor. Only the social class that can pay has a fair higher education. Academics is not something primary and society’s demand are not so harsh on young people. Even if youth doesn’t have a fine education after high school they can probably find a way out and earn money and because of this reasons not every student gives all their effort. Opportunities present to the ones who know wealthy people and government figures. The majority of Hondurans are not hard working people and society doesn’t give that much opportunities. These two countries are very different in almost every aspect but have similarities on a few. South Korea is a rich powerful country where every kid has to be very dedicated to their studies in order to succeed, young people usually study until 4 and then go with tutors, and meanwhile few Honduran kids are dedicated because of the poor society demands. Schools end about 2 or 3, then do a couple of homework and that’s it. 00% of South Korean parents want their children to get to college, while not every Honduran parent sees college as a mandatory thing to do. The level of work in South Korea surpasses Honduran one and the results show in the evolution as a society and as a country. The little similarity between these two countries is that not so much work opportunities are presented for people who study, making it hard for some people to succeed. In conclusion people should take advantage of that one shot life gives us even if we are in different countries. To make a difference and overcome difficulties people have to be hard workers to demonstrate society our capacities and accomplish our life goal, which I think for the most is having a wealthy life. Rich countries such as South Korea evolve because of their work, even if this means doing sacrifices and passing through lots of stress. At the end results will show and society will grow. â€Å"Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today†.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Fraud and embezzlement Essays
Fraud and embezzlement Essays Fraud and embezzlement Essay Fraud and embezzlement Essay It differs from larceny in the fact that the original taking was lawful, or with the consent of the owner, while in larceny the felonious intent must have existed at the time of the asking (United States Attorney, 2013). Positivist School of Thought According to the Positivist School of Thought people commit crimes because of their biology, crimes was caused because of features in the person. The positivist school believed in rehabilitation and crime prevention. People do not have a choice in the matter they are genetically bound to commit crimes and they have no control over it. This means that according to the basic assumptions people are born evil and It Is societies Job to make them good. To change the ways they are set in. Positivists would believe that this Is In the persons DNA to embezzle money. They never really had a choice It Is something that they have to do It was something they needed to do . Creaser Limbos believed that crimes was not caused because of free malicious intent, he believed it was caused because of a persons biology or their environment (Wilson and Hermiston, 2005, p. 4). Classical School of Thought On the other side of the schools of thought is the Classical School of Thought the people who belong to this group believes that people commit crimes at their own free will. That people are born good and society corrupts them and makes them do ad things. In the case of embezzlement the Classicists would believe that people commit this crimes because they Just feel they desire that they want more and they have to have It. No one Is decid ing for them the crime Is done at their own free will. : The supreme court has had a number of different rulings on what embezzlement actually Is and It was determined that even If a person does not Intend to keep the property they took it is still considered embezzlement no matter how short term it is. This was seen in the united States v. Powell case. The Classical School of Thought as the first way people tried to explain crimes. Creaser Bacteria had the idea that people were in control of their own actions (Moyer, 2000, p. 14-15). It was thought that as humans, rational people, would calculate the pleasure they would feel when they did a certain act and also the pain of the punishment. People would weigh the option and decide if it was worth it (Moyer, 2000, p. 14-15) According to Bacterias On Crimes and Punishment people will do what gives the most people happiness. Classicists believes that some crimes directly destroy society and the people who live in the society (Moyer, 2000, p. 7). People and Society If people are born good then does society cause them to commit crimes Like embezzlement? Is It society that makes everyone think they need more then they commit crimes like embezzlement. People ignore their instincts all the time. They push it aside and figure that its Just a feeling and nothing will come of it, but as humans do we have a certain instinct that makes us commit crimes and do things that other people normally would not. This goes back to De Becker talking about human nature because people choose to ignore it, but if people listened to their instinct it would be reasonable to say that people might realize whats going on and be able to stop it before it happens. When De Becker talks about Kelly he says that she knew something was not right with this man but she ignored it. This could be the same for all criminals. They Just give off a vibe people know is not right and everyone ignores it because nothing bad could ever happen to them. Everyone believes they are untouchable until something bad happens which makes them come back to earth and realize that and things happen to everybody. Embezzlement is a crime based on reed, does society make people greedy or by nature do people always want more than they can have. B. F Schumacher came to the conclusion that society makes people become more greedy and anxious of what people have by studying less populated places and places that have a heavier population and it was found that people who commit fraud and even narrower embezzlement are in heavily populated places areas because people see what they can not have and try to get it by doing the least amount of work (Schumacher, 2010, p. 317). This is a crime that is mostly committed by people or corporations that have more than enough resources. If the answer to the question is society does it to be then people see what they cannot and people become envious of others and will do anything and everything in their power to get on the same level. People like to stick with the norms and they do not like to stay to far from what is considered normal, this means that when everyone is surrounded by things they can not have it Just makes them want it more and they wont stop until they get it. If people are born greedy then according to Creaser Limbos they are called Atavism(Moyer, 2000, p. 32). People who embezzle money are usually in a high social class. Limbos came to the conclusion that people in a higher social class commit crimes this type of crime to suppress the wealth of others (Moyer, 2000, (p. 33). The penalty for embezzlement is usually a fine or imprisonment, but it could also result in both is relates back to the Positivist who believe that people should be rehabilitated. You are who you surround yourself with, people who are already on the wealthier side tend to stick with people who are like them and try to have the same things and it ends up becoming a competition as to who has the most stuff and what belongings are better. This is seen in the classical school do people act on their own free will when they commit this crime. In most cases it is solely because they wanted more than they could have and took matters into their own hands to get what they wanted?without having to do much work to get it. According to Grace Outfield and Peter Cardboard people commit fraud to help their ego. If this is true then people commit the act of fraud on their own free will and it does not have anything to do with their biology (Outfield and Grabbers, 2001). The act of fraud is based on a number of different things such as: personality, environment, and additional variables, this also supports the idea that the criminal act is done because a person wants to do it. People can change their personality because Just like Outfield variable is that people who commit the act are Just trying to take the easy way out of doing work. Most people want what they cannot have and that makes the desire or urge to get it much more intense. By nature people are taught that in order to get what they want they have to have the money to do it. As humans we learn at such a young age that everything comes with a price and people who commit the act of fraud weigh the options and decide if it is worth the risk.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Visa CMPP para mdicos cubanos y otros profesionales
Visa CMPP para mdicos cubanos y otros profesionales La visa CMPP se concedà a a mà ©dicos y otro personal sanitario cubano que trabajaban en una misià ³n internacional fuera de Cuba. Este era uno de los programas migratorios de Estados Unidos que aplicaba sà ³lo a cubanos. Con fecha del 12 de enero de 2017, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos decidià ³ poner fin a este programa al igual que a la polà tica de pies secos, pies mojados. CMPP eran las siglas en inglà ©s del Programa para Profesionales Mà ©dicos Cubanos. Esta visa, que a pesar de su nombre no era realmente una visa sino un parole, tenà a reglas estrictas que habà a que conocer para evitar quedar en situacià ³n problemtica, es decir, como un desertor para los cubanos y sin visa para los estadounidenses.  ¿Quià ©nes se podà an beneficiar de CMPP? Se debà an reunir todas las caracterà sticas siguientes: Ser ciudadano o nacional cubanoEstar trabajando o estudiando como profesional mà ©dico en un tercer paà s en una misià ³n bajo la direccià ³n del gobierno de Cuba.No estar afectado por ninguna de las circunstancias que convierten a una persona en inelegible o inamisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Es decir, no aplicaba a los mà ©dicos que estaban por ejemplo, como turistas en Venezuela o en otro paà s.  ¿Quià ©nes eran profesionales sanitarios para estos efectos? Entre otros, los siguientes: Mà ©dicosParamà ©dicosEnfermerosEntrenadores deportivosFisioterapistasTà ©cnicos de laboratorio  ¿Y quà © pasaba con los familiares? Bajo el programa de visas CMPP los familiares de los mà ©dicos que la solicitaban podrà an tambià ©n beneficiarse y viajar legalmente a Estados Unidos con determinadas condiciones. Para empezar, eran familiares a estos efectos el cà ³nyuge del personal mà ©dico que aplicaba y tambià ©n sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Nadie ms. Si estos familiares estaban fuera de Cuba acompaà ±ando al profesional, se podà a considerar aprobarles un parole al mismo tiempo. Sin embargo, si estaban en Cuba, habà a que esperar a que el beneficiado de una visa CMPP ingresara a los Estados Unidos y una vez aquà podrà a reclamarlos.  ¿Quà © pasa con las personas que han solicitado la visa CMPP pero todavà a no tienen respuesta? Ahora ya no se pueden solicitar ms, pero el personal que las solicità ³ y est pendiente de su aprobacià ³n podrn seguir con dicha tramitacià ³n.  ¿Quà © pasa desde el punto de vista migratorio cuando se ingresa a USA? Una vez en Estados Unidos, al aà ±o y un dà a se podr solicitar la tarjeta de residente permanente. Mientras no se obtiene y se est en esa tramitacià ³n, no salir de Estados Unidos sin un permiso que se conoce como advance parole.  Una vez que se obtiene la residencia, que tambià ©n se conoce como green card y con el transcurrir de los aà ±os, se puede solicitar la ciudadanà a americana mediante el trmite de la naturalizacià ³n. El problema de la revlida del tà tulo de mà ©dico una vez que se llega a Estados Unidos Los mà ©dicos cubanos, al igual que todos los que obtuvieron sus tà tulos universitarios en un paà s distinto a los Estados Unidos, deben examinarse para acreditar su titulacià ³n y asà estar capacitados legalmente para trabajar como mà ©dicos. Y en la actualidad esto est resultando ser un problema por dos razones principales. La primera es el alto costo de los exmenes de la ECFMG y de USMLE, que son organizaciones privadas encargadas de gestionar los test. En la actualidad, es necesario aprobar 4 exmenes. Y, en segundo lugar, el altà simo conocimiento de inglà ©s que se requiere. Y es que hay que contestar a ms de 400 preguntas en un tiempo limitado, lo que complica la obtencià ³n de la revlida a profesionales cuyo lengua materna no es el inglà ©s. El efecto principal de estas trabajas es que a pesar de que en la actualidad existe en los Estados Unidos un dà ©ficit de aproximadamente 65,000 mà ©dicos y de que los profesionales cubanos llegan al paà s con documentos que les permiten trabajar, muchos de ellos acaban desempeà ±ndose profesionalmente no como mà ©dicos, sino como auxiliares, despuà ©s de obtener las debidas licencias. Los mà ©dicos cubanos recià ©n llegados pueden contactar con Solidaridad sin fronteras (SSF) en Hialeah, Florida, ya que es una organizacià ³n conocida por brindarles ayuda para navegar y entender estos problemas burocrticos. Puntos bsicos de CMPP Desde que se creà ³ el programa de CMPP en 2006, segà ºn datos oficiales del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), ms de 7,000 mà ©dicos y otros profesionales sanitarios cubanos han obtenido esta visa. De hecho, se han producido solicitudes desde 65 paà ses. Si bien la aproximadamente la mitad de las peticiones se han realizado en Caracas, ya que la misià ³n sanitaria de cubana en Venezuela es de considerable tamaà ±o. Otras embajadas activas en la emisià ³n de estas visas son las de Colombia y las de Curacao, donde los solicitantes proceden de la vecina Venezuela. El nà ºmero de beneficiados ha aumentado recientemente, y asà en el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal un total de 1,663 profesionales obtuvieron la CMPP. De interà ©s para los profesionales mà ©dicos Los profesionales sanitarios que se desempeà ±an fuera de los Estados Unidos se preguntan frecuentemente cunto ganan sus colegas aquà . Este es el sueldo medio de enfermeras en Estados Unidos. Incluso ganan ms los mà ©dicos, aunque hay variaciones segà ºn especialidad. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Filler Words (Muletillas) in Spanish
Filler Words (Muletillas) in Spanish Question: In English we have many filler words for when we dont know how to continue on in a sentence, or that can even express a certain emotion (e.g., err...). I am thinking of words such as hmmm... err... like (ooh, I hate that. Hey, I used another one.). What I would like to know is, what are some types of words such as this in Spanish? Answer: My least favorite is you know. In any case, in Spanish those filler words are called muletillas (or, less commonly, palabras de relleno) and are very common. But Spanish speakers tend not to use one-syllable utterances as much as in English. Instead, they tend to use common words like este (usually pronounced as esteeeee, depending on how nervous the person is), esto (or estoooo) or in Mexico o sea (which roughly means I mean). Che is often heard in Argentina. In other areas you may hear es decir (meaning, roughly, that is to say). The err has its equivalent in the sound eeeehh, and em is similar to the English ummm. Also, it is very common to use pues, which has a variety of meanings. Pues can be used at the start of a sentence as a kind of filler while you can get your thoughts together. Or try a ver, which can be thought of as lets see or well see.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Statement of purpose Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Of purpose - Personal Statement Example This was a tremendous opportunity to expand on my knowledge of contemporary teaching techniques and better engage students with the modern curriculum. Throughout my academic career, I was exposed to a wide range of theoretical principles and assumptions regarding teaching methodology and child development. Through my experiences at Ibn Khuzaymah, I was able to gain a very practical and sophisticated experience in applying theoretical knowledge to tangible educational practice which solidified and, in some instances, challenged a variety of hypotheses about what constitutes effective teaching and learning strategy development. This professional understanding has strengthened not only my commitment to becoming a first-class educator but also improved my ability to experiment and test traditional teaching standards, which has created a more efficient and productive instructor. This position at the local high school was also very satisfactory at a personal level as I was able to assist s tudents in building trust with the instructor, helping them to concentrate and focus their minds more productively to solve problems associated with the curriculum. Utilizing contemporary theory and best practice models that focused on socio-psychological strategies to gain students’ attention and interest, I was able to establish a learning environment that was highly conducive to laying the foundation of reciprocal respect that genuinely engaged students and provided more effective learning outcomes. My academic education did not necessarily provide me with the knowledge and understanding of the importance of addressing and considering students’ emotions. This experience at Ibn Khuzaymah legitimately opened my eyes to the necessity to balance metacognition with psychological models relevant to this age bracket in order to produce triumphant student learning outcomes that maintained long-lasting appreciation and student esteem for the instructor. My primary goal today is to begin studies in the Master’s Program in Statistics at your university. All my aforementioned professional experience has given me a new appreciation for the social and educational value of conducting primary research studies. Being able to appreciate, understand and evaluate quantitative data maintains significant benefits to society and the educational system across the world, and I am realizing that statistics provides the foundation for a legitimized understanding of science and society. As a person who genuinely enjoys statistics, coupled with a newfound respect for the global relevance of scientific research, I sincerely believe that study in this program is well-suited for my talents and posture regarding this important dimension of modern society. Hence, all aforesaid experiences and understandings considered, I legitimately believe that I can offer substantial and diverse benefits to the university. I have a rather balanced approach to learning, being able to work both independently and cooperatively with culturally and professionally different individuals to produce positive team outcomes and establish new best practice behaviors in the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Complete College Design Presentation Research Paper - 1
Complete College Design Presentation - Research Paper Example Many fresh graduates are sailing in the same boat of poverty and unemployment. Even after graduating from colleges with good and competent degrees, the fact remains that many remain unemployed for long periods of time (Heckers, 2013). The growing technology has enabled managers to always post vacant positions on the website only to receive thousands of applications. This means also that many resumes end up in the deleted folder. Economic status of countries have been blamed and marked as the key causes of unemployment among the fresh graduates. Levels of unemployment are positively correlated to the fluctuations of world’s financial situations (Heckers, 2013). The same problem has been noted among the graduates and senior students who look for internships and contract placements. Even graduates have found it difficult to get volunteer positions because most companies think of spending more money. Most companies fear that volunteers are expensive to maintain and manage (Weissmann, 2012). Governments have also not designed ways of curbing unemployment brought about by the increasing number of graduates. Every year, colleges and university produces graduates in all fields while there is little done by the institution under consideration and the government to manage the situation appropriately (Wanping, 2004). Another reason for student related problems and graduates are lack of networking among the students. Correspondence between students and their seniors helps in integration of ideas and the new interface.
Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8
Personal Statement - Essay Example Out of this brief sessions I acquired practical skill in visualizing, communication practical work among others. In the recent past, I acted as co-producer in the Variety Show hosted by the University of London Hong Kong Society. It presented me with a practical challenge where I utilized my skills to the actual test. Despite this learning and practical experience, I still feel is should continue learning. There is always something new to the world of arts (The Warhol, n.d). Due to my study of diverse art related courses, I have interacted with a large number of people. This has made me develop strong interpersonal skills, leadership skills as we completed tasks as groups. I have been lucky throughout my life to visit Tate Modern Museum where I saw the exhibition of Roy Lichtenstein a Pop Art artist which reignited and strengthened m interest in Pop Art. I also recently attended an exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery (Gallery, n.d) where there was an exhibition of Andy Warhol was exhibited. Andy Warhol is another pop art artist whom I consider my best artist and inspiration. I had a chance to see the works of Peter Blake’s indomitable 1967 album ‘STG Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.†All this have improved my understanding of the arts not solely as a subject but as a way of life. That is the main reason I find impossible to abandon All these are Pop Art artists that I admire, but I admire Andy Warhol most. Andy was a prolific artist who engaged in a diverse artist works. This diverse artistic works include; hand drawing, paintings, photography, scriptures among others. It is hard to imagine how an aspiring artist can fail to a dmire Andy Warhol (The Warhol, n.d). Pop art is an art that developed in mid 1950s in both U.S and Britain. It makes images from traditional cultures as opposed to the elitist arts. Pop artists engage in arts dealing with everyday life objects and people rather than
Changing a behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Changing a behavior - Essay Example I kept track of my daily progress through a data tracking sheet which I will provide with the paper. Motivation My goal falls in upper-level needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. My wish to change my behavior is my social need and self-esteem need, which are the psychological needs that come up in the hierarchy when the low-level needs are satisfied. The only counter-motive that made it difficult for me to accomplish my goal was the lack of comfort in my life. As I already stated, my life has been very hard and I had to struggle a lot to get at this point in life. This hardship made me doubtful about my future and thus I became afraid of many things. This counter-motive falls in the category of safety (comfort) needs in Maslow’s hierarchy. I felt extrinsically motivated to change this behavior because the appreciation I was expecting to get from my peers and others after my changed behavior was enough to motivate me to achieve my goal. My motives did contribute toward t he outcome because communicating with people is always fruitful in the development of speech skills. Also, facing the danger reduces the fear that one feels while encountering dangerous situations. In this way, my motives were good enough to contribute toward a positive outcome. Learning I set my email and other passwords on the words that could remind me of my goals. For example, I changed my email password to â€Å"don’t_be_afraid†, so whenever I logged in, my mind accepted this fact that I had to come out my timidity. I decided to pick a debatable topic once a week and make an appointment with a friend to come and discuss the topic with me. I made a plan to look into the mirror for continuous 10 minutes daily and tell myself that I am a confident person. All these methods proved very helpful to me in the accomplishment of my goals and brought out the long-lost confidence from within me. Emotions, Barriers and Social Support I felt very much motivated to change my be havior. I made a resolution that I had to change this behavior at all costs, and I felt pleasure in my decision. I felt as if I was valuing myself. This feeling filled such energy inside me that I wanted to do more and more to become confident. I found myself emotionally strong enough to keep myself going. It was a nice surprise to me. The only barrier that made it difficult for me to accomplish my goal was the lack of social support. Since I live alone, I am far away from my family and friends, and their support was much needed during this whole process. I was expecting this barrier but to overcome it, I arranged to keep myself busy with my friends and decided to stay in group rather than being alone all the time. Thus, I enlisted some of my colleagues to help me during the process and this was very helpful. Conclusion I am proud to state that I did accomplish my goal to much extent. Although at some points, I felt that it was all useless, but when I started feeling a positive chan ge within me, I decided to continue the process, and in the end it proved to be very fruitful. I feel very delighted at this change because I am getting very much appreciated among my peers. Now, I am able to lead a group. I can speak in front of crowd and deliver a speech. I feel confident enough to tell someone about his mistakes and how to correct them. My self-esteem has risen. Now, I am not shy of giving presentations and delivering speeches. In the future, I plan to
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Features of Postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Features of Postmodernism - Essay Example The modernist believed that science had shaken the foundations of traditional authorities and truths. Modern man could find a new, rational foundation for universal truth; science, particularly, would reveal new truth, which, when applied to modern society and institutions, would literally remake the world. Modernism "... held the extravagant expectation that the arts and sciences would further not only the control of the forces of nature but also the understanding of self and world, moral progress, justice in social institutions, and even human happiness." [2]. Looking to man and not God, the optimism of modernism has proven itself ill-founded. The response has been postmodernism. Postmodernism can be illustrated as a worldview by looking at five presuppositions inherent in the postmodern worldview: (1) The quest for truth is a lost cause. It is a search for a "holy grail" that doesn't exist and never did. Postmodernists argue that objective, universal, knowable truth is mythical; a ll we have ever found in our agonized search for Truth are "truths" that were compelling only in their own time and culture, but true Truth has never been ours. Furthermore, if we make the mistake of claiming to know the Truth, we are deluded at best and dangerous at worst. (2) A person's sense of identity is a composite constructed by the forces of the surrounding culture. Individual consciousness--a vague, "decentered" collection of unconscious and conscious beliefs, knowledge, and intuitions about oneself and the world--is malleable and arrived at through interaction with the surrounding culture. ... Individual consciousness--a vague, "decentered" collection of unconscious and conscious beliefs, knowledge, and intuitions about oneself and the world--is malleable and arrived at through interaction with the surrounding culture. Postmodernism then, in stark contrast to modernism, is about the dissolving of the self. From the postmodernist perspective, we should not think of ourselves as unique, unified, self-conscious, autonomous persons. (3) The languages of our culture (the verbal and visual signs we use to represent the world to ourselves) literally "construct" what we think of as "real" in our everyday existence. In this sense, reality is a "text" or "composite" of texts, and these texts (rather than the God-created reality) are the only reality we can know. Our sense of self--who we are, how we think of ourselves, as well as how we see and interpret the world and give ourselves meaning in it--is subjectively constructed through language. (4) "Reality" is created by those who have power. One of postmodernism's preeminent theorists, Michel Foucault, combines the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas about how those in power shape the world with a theory of how language is the primary tool for making culture. Foucault argues that whoever dominates or controls the "official" use of language in a society holds the key to social and political power. (Think, for example, of how official political "spin" control of specific words and phrases can alter the public perception of political decisions, policies, and events.) Put simply, Nietzsche said all reality is someone's willful, powerful construction; Foucault says language is the primary tool in
Islamic religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Islamic religion - Essay Example Moreover, Islam, like Christianity and Judaism is a monotheistic faith; meaning that Muslims believe in but one God – Allah. A secondary and equally important factor of being a Muslim is the belief in and attribution of Mohammed as the Prophet of Allah. Muslims believe that the Prophet Mohammed is the last messenger of God’s truth on earth. In this way, all of the other representations that have come before, Noah, Moses, and even Jesus, are subject to the ultimate revelations that Mohammed as revealed through the Angel Gabriel. To be a Muslim requires one to follow the laws and directives lain out by Mohammed’s followers within the Holy Qur’an; Islam’s most holy text. Moreover, feasts should be celebrated, purity should be retained, apostasy abhorred, and refusal of certain unclean meats. Besides the following of the letter of the law laid out in the Qur’an it is also required that an individual, if they are physically or financially able must make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca within their
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Features of Postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Features of Postmodernism - Essay Example The modernist believed that science had shaken the foundations of traditional authorities and truths. Modern man could find a new, rational foundation for universal truth; science, particularly, would reveal new truth, which, when applied to modern society and institutions, would literally remake the world. Modernism "... held the extravagant expectation that the arts and sciences would further not only the control of the forces of nature but also the understanding of self and world, moral progress, justice in social institutions, and even human happiness." [2]. Looking to man and not God, the optimism of modernism has proven itself ill-founded. The response has been postmodernism. Postmodernism can be illustrated as a worldview by looking at five presuppositions inherent in the postmodern worldview: (1) The quest for truth is a lost cause. It is a search for a "holy grail" that doesn't exist and never did. Postmodernists argue that objective, universal, knowable truth is mythical; a ll we have ever found in our agonized search for Truth are "truths" that were compelling only in their own time and culture, but true Truth has never been ours. Furthermore, if we make the mistake of claiming to know the Truth, we are deluded at best and dangerous at worst. (2) A person's sense of identity is a composite constructed by the forces of the surrounding culture. Individual consciousness--a vague, "decentered" collection of unconscious and conscious beliefs, knowledge, and intuitions about oneself and the world--is malleable and arrived at through interaction with the surrounding culture. ... Individual consciousness--a vague, "decentered" collection of unconscious and conscious beliefs, knowledge, and intuitions about oneself and the world--is malleable and arrived at through interaction with the surrounding culture. Postmodernism then, in stark contrast to modernism, is about the dissolving of the self. From the postmodernist perspective, we should not think of ourselves as unique, unified, self-conscious, autonomous persons. (3) The languages of our culture (the verbal and visual signs we use to represent the world to ourselves) literally "construct" what we think of as "real" in our everyday existence. In this sense, reality is a "text" or "composite" of texts, and these texts (rather than the God-created reality) are the only reality we can know. Our sense of self--who we are, how we think of ourselves, as well as how we see and interpret the world and give ourselves meaning in it--is subjectively constructed through language. (4) "Reality" is created by those who have power. One of postmodernism's preeminent theorists, Michel Foucault, combines the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas about how those in power shape the world with a theory of how language is the primary tool for making culture. Foucault argues that whoever dominates or controls the "official" use of language in a society holds the key to social and political power. (Think, for example, of how official political "spin" control of specific words and phrases can alter the public perception of political decisions, policies, and events.) Put simply, Nietzsche said all reality is someone's willful, powerful construction; Foucault says language is the primary tool in
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Biology Questions and Answers Essay Example for Free
Biology Questions and Answers Essay 2.) a) proteins b.) i) Amylase ii) Protease iii) Lipase c) i) Glucose ii) Amino Acids iii) Fatty acids and Glycerol 3.) a.) Each enzyme has a unique shape that fits onto the substrate. As enzymes normally only catalyse one reaction the substrate has to fit in the specific shape (active site) and if it doesn’t fit in (lock and key method) then the enzyme won’t be catalysed. b.) As when the enzyme is denatured it’s special shape is destroyed, thus destroying it’s active site meaning that the substrate wont be able to fit in, therefore not catalysing the enzyme. c.) As enzymes are specific when an enzyme catalyses an enzyme it can be used over and over again as they are not changed during the reaction. 5.) a.) if the concentration of the enzyme is increased the rate f the reaction will increase. This is because there will be more enzymes to help break down the substrate, however when the enzyme reaches it’s optimum it will be equal. b.) if the temperature is decreased it will drop the rate of reaction and slow down the speed of catalysing. c.) if the pH is lowered then the rate of reaction will drop causing the pH to interfere with the bonds holding the enzyme together and denaturing the enzyme. 7.) a.) i) the rate of reaction is increasing at a positive constant correlation, because the increase in temperature is causing the enzymes to move around faster increasing the chance of a collision. ii) the rate suddenly drops after it’s hit the optimum temperature, this is because the bonds holding the enzyme together have broke destroying enzymes special shape. b.) It increases it as it causes the enzymes to move around faster increasing the chance of a collision. c.) the bonds change it’s special shape causing it unable to catalyse substances. d.) A. it could be pepsin in the stomach e.) B, it could be phosphatases f.) it is very narrow.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Treating Foxconn Workers As Machines
Treating Foxconn Workers As Machines Foxconn Technology Group is a multinational anchor company of Hon Hai Precision Industry CompanyLtd., a Taiwanese company that is the worlds largest leading of electronic manufacturer. Foxconn is the largest exporter in China which has a workforce of 90,000 workers all over China. Its well-known clients include Apple, Dell, Nokia, and Microsoft and so on, which take comparative advantages of labour cost and production resulting in profit maximisation (BBC, 2011). For satisfying rapid and huge demand on IPad, Foxconn has promised Apple Company to boost the productivity to fulfil their orders. Unfortunately, Foxconn did not be concerned on the employees of job stress due to intensive manufacturing process. According a report from Student and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) (2010), it stated that 14 frontline workers died from suicides between January and August 2010, due to excessive working quantity and depressed emotion. It reflected that the boosting productive manag ement would lead the workers as dehumanized machines and the deterioration of dignity and well-being. In respond to the tragedy incidents, then the CEO Terry Gou Tai Ming advised that the workers signed the commitment of all kinds of suicides disregarding as the companys responsibility. He also attributed the suicides to personal problems, such as bad socialisation and finical debts, in order to obtain the grant amount of compensation offered by the company. Although the company initiated the action for the recovery of job satisfaction, the harsh management methodology was eventually not changed to contribute to job stress and burnout. For instance, the action invited counsellors to the factory, negotiated to make higher wage, established the hotline and Employee Care Centre, held an anti-suicide assembly and organised the activities for inspiration, but it is useless for reduce in job stress. Despite to carry out the emergency decision-making, there is a close relationship between poor wage and accommodation, harsh management and lack of health and safety protection (Chamberlain, 2011). First, the raised wage was slightly increased CNY 100 compared to the minimum wage (CNY 1250 per month) set by local government. This improvement is insufficient for living condition especially in Shenzhen where the monthly living wage should be CNY 2293 (Students Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour, 2010). In addition, each crowded dormitory can accommodate 24 workers and observer was told by a worker who was forced to sign confession letter after illicitly using a hairdryer (AM 730, 2011). Second, excessive and involuntary overtime is an apparently serious problem led to job stress and burnout. The report of SACOM (2010) revealed that workers had to work 10 hours and 6 days per week which means overtime adding up to 84 hours during the midst of series of suicides. The premium should generally be 1.5 or 2 times weekend hourly wage conformed to Labour Law, yet there is no bonus for overtime during weekend. Then, the frequent change of work shifts may be irregular that probably arrange the day and night shift in a day, are changed 2 to 3 times a month. The workers would not allow talking at work. Finally, the employer has responsibility to provide a safe work place and the effective protection and training the employees on occupational health by Occupational Disease Law of China. Unfortunately, 3 workers were diagnosed with leukaemia and 1 worker is anxious related to the harmful chemicals. Meanwhile, no personal protective equipment liked goggles and gloves would be provided when the workers operated a drill on his duty. The victims even need to pay medical fees themselves. An assistant of CEO explained to the criticism of anti-suicide commitment becoming over intensive and to the prohibition of talking during working in order to enhance the quality of productivity (The Liberty Times, 2011). Introduction While Economy becomes booming period, employer would make generous incomes by fulfil the demand. For example, the manufacturers would like to use existed production machines and a number of workforces in order to complete the orders and satisfy their clients. Responding to accomplishment of goals and targets, management may underestimate the front-line employees job difficulties and anxieties that results in turnover or potential negative outcome. This purpose is to analyse the threats of employees health and safety in Foxconn and to research the implication of leading organisation. Job stress and Burnout Job stress is defined as a relationship between employees mental or physical distress and working environment (Kahn Boysiere, 1994). Other definition may allow stress for improving performance that is the interaction of work conditions and employee personality with changing psychological functions (Beer Newman, 1978). However, the workers in Foxconn would not contribute to this improvement, the tragedies occurred under stress and harsh management instead. The main three stressors are job quality, relationship, and physical quality that yield to job burnout. Job burnout refers to a result of job stress that develops from the sustained situation that employees are unable to deal with the excessive demand resulting in physical, emotional and cognitive exhaustion (Hu Cheng, 2010). The degradation of job quality in Foxconn may compose of low wage and excessive work hours. The workers could not receive the compensation on overtime; even there is no internal (mental) or external (monetar y) reward. It would damage the job security and relationship between the employer and workers, then the company would be decreased the labour force due to the increasing resignation of workers. Another stressor is a lack of physical quality that results from irregular work hours and work-life imbalance. Consequently, the company should face the potential loss of revenue and take the responsibility of turnover. Emotional Labour Emotional labour plays a significant role in daily work life for employees and direct or indirectly influence to the company. For instance, the employees become emotional exhaustion and cognitive withdrawing from the job, and then finally resigned. Emotional labour is the regulation of emotion and emotional display at work that interact with customers, co-workers, and the public (Chau et al. 2009). The emotional labour consists of two categories are surface acting and deep acting. Surface acting refers as suppressing ones emotional and pretending to the desired emotional expression, while deep acting involves modifying actual ones feeling to show proper emotional display. Chau et al. stated that the surface acting would relate to the negative outcomes, such as turnover, or withdraw behaviour, due to emotional dissonance and internal exhaustion, whereas deep acting may reduce negative outcomes due to authentic and positive emotions. Acknowledge of deep acting for the employees perform s in Foxconn that can lead to decrease the emotional exhaustion and avoid the turnover intentions. Psychological Contract A psychological contract (PC) is considered as a mutual obligation that was established by both the employees and their employers regarding the terms and conditions of exchanging relationship (Kotter, 1973; Rousseau Tijoriwala, 1998). In other words, the expectations concern on what the employees owe their employers and on what their employers owe the employees in return (Ng Feldman, 2009). For example, the employers may provide the inducement, such as high pay or potential promotion, for the motivation to encourage the employees maximise effort. Nevertheless, the breach of psychological contract (BPC) could not reach the promise by either the employers or employees. Chen, Tsui and Zhong (2008) categorised into two types of BPC which are reneging and incongruence. Reneging occurs when employee breaks the promise, or the employer is unable to satisfy the promise. Incongruence occurs when the employee and employer have misunderstanding of the contract and promise. Obviously, the form er PBC is the Foxconn employers who violate the law and could not pay the overtime rate wage to compensate the employees effort. The excessive work quantity would be detrimental to their physical and psychological health that lead to depressive work condition and finally happened suicides. The latter BPC was analysed misunderstanding of the Foxconn employers driving the additional work hour into daily work quantity; on the other hands, employees would like to have a normal socialisation with certain work hour and well-being. Ironically, the employers made military management in order to achieve the productivity maximisation, but they neglected the employees job stress to seriously misunderstand that was the employees needs. The four methods can deal with BPC depending on age and work experience, because PC focuses on relatively young employees with relatively low work experience (Ng Feldman, 2009). The first method is exit that refers to voluntary withdraw behaviour. Flaherty and Pappas (2002) demonstrated that the older and more experienced workers have more likelihood to stability in their work live and less likelihood to intend to leave their employers. The second method is voice that the employees attempt to voice out to the employers yielding to improvement in work condition. On the other hand, it may increase the risk of retaliation from employers. Consequently, the younger and less work experienced employees should express their disappointment due to less malleable PC, while the older and more experienced employees should avoid using voice direct to employers in order not to decrease their job security. The third method is loyalty which involves silence or passion to negative work condition for remaining with an organisation. Generally, older and more experienced employees may have more flexible expectation to deal with interpersonal relationship problems. According the suicides at Foxconn in China record of SACOM (2010), the victims age range from 18 to 25 that belongs to young age or junior work age group. It implied the younger or less experienced employees that could not have appropriate expectation to overcome the difficulties. The last one is neglect in term of counterproductive behaviour that is lower involvement and greater workplace withdrawal. The older and more experienced employees would be less to engage in this method because of more malleability within the current firm and less replication in outside firm. In additional, other research showed that mentors and supervisors can support with BPC by providing career-related information and psychological support (Zagenczyk et al., 2009). The career-related support includes the provision as protection, visibility a nd sponsorship, while psychological support includes friendship, confirmation, acceptance and counselling. The supervisors would like to evaluate the performance as well as giving feedback to subordinates. Organisational Misbehaviour Organisational misbehaviour (OMB) is the intentional action that violates the shared organisational norms and expectation or unconventional practices which are not supposed to do at work (Vardi Wiener, 1996). Vardi and Wiener (1996) distinguished OMB into three types to influence in personal, organisation and others or organisations. OMB type S is intention to benefit self-interest which often occurred in internal organisation. For example, distorting data may obtain the high evaluation in order to increase the chance of promotion; stealing and selling the property from organisation take money into personal account; and harassing peers by handling the personal work task or gossip others is detrimental to other accounts of reputation. Type O OMB intends to benefit the employing organisation that usually occurred in external organisation. For instance, cheating other firms members is to obtain the contracts for the employing organisation. Type D OMB intends to hurt others or to damage the organisation that associated with both internal and external organisation. An example of type D is revenge in order to deriving the own satisfaction and responding to actual or perceived mistreatment. In addition to three types of OMB, workplace deviance and dysfunctional behaviour are important to analysis in the case. Workplace deviance refers as voluntary behaviour of organisation members that infringe upon the organisational norms due to threaten to the organisation or organisational members (Robbinson Bennett 1995). The latter considered as the behaviour instead of motivation, the action will carry the negative effect and consequence for an individual or group within organisation (Griffin, O Leary-Kelly Collins, 1998). Hence, dehumanised management in Foxconn belongs to type O that excessive work hours and low overtime paid would benefit to the organisational interest that encourage the profit maximisation. This action would deteriorate the relationship between employers and employees, and damage the employees socialisation and physical quality. Then, the supervisors forced to sign confession letter due to unintentional faults that attributes to workplace deviance because it should directly be detrimental to employees physical and mental aspects. Although the company attempted to allow the activities such as hotline and anti-suicide assembly, for motivating the employees, those activities would be compulsory to join and not be counted in their work hours. As a result, the behaviours would reverse the function of motivation that considered as dysfunctional behaviour. However, Shamsudin (2006) showed the ways to resist OMB that are personal counselling and surveys with questionnaires. Personal counselling is a primary solution that understands the reasons of OMB and the different standards of behaviours because employees may possess the different values, perception and norms. But personal counselling might not work when the OMB is in group, violent or criminal in nature, surveys can collect and analysis the whole employees perception and norms in order to avoid the conflicts in the relationship of employers and employees. Job quality Job quality can come from many dimensions that enhance job security and satisfaction. Consequently, understanding of job quality is significant to maintain employees in the organisation, and the likelihood of BPC can be decreased within the interaction of employees and employers. Job diagnostic survey is a job measurement that understands the degree of job quality (Hackman, 1975). The motivating potential score that add up skill variety, task identity and task significant to divided by three and then combine with autonomy and feedback. In addition, other studies expressed the job quality in America and Europe, so that can help to improve the situation of Foxconn. Handel (2005) explained that Fordism is a period which is the context of stable industrial system including American economic dominance, rising productivity and earning, steady or decreasing inequality, and robust employment growth. Neo-Fordist theory claims that job quality for most workers is in term of material reward and work pace which is the base principle of high pay, job security and career mobility due to inequality between management and labour in post-war market. Increasing job quality through Post-Fordist theory means the respect to both material (e.g. pay) and intrinsic (e.g. job challenge, autonomy and workplace cooperation) rewards and working condition (e.g. decreased physical workloads). Referring to Handels theory, post-Fordism period is similar as booming economy in China where real GDP grew at an average rate of 9.3% by foreign investments and become the worlds largest economy (Morrison, 2005). The Foxconn should increase the wage by the material reward, offer sufficient time and independence by intrinsic reward, and decrease the quantity of workload to diminish the possibility of job burnout. In European work market, the work-life balance and working time and training and career development are principles of job quality (ETUL, 2009). The management of Foxconn could provide the flex ible working arrangement by employees choosing working pattern themselves for balance the job stress and well-being in order to enhance the socialisation (Kelliher Aderson, 2009). Also, training and career development can expand the confidence in job task and identity. Conclusion In conclusion, Foxconn has made a military management to its employees as dehumanised treatment that drove the suicide tragedy. Job stress may contribute to job burnout that composed of excessive work quantity and low wage in Foxconn. Emotional labour could help to improve the turnover intention and emotional exhaustion by deep acting. PC is s mutual expectation involving employers and employees and BPC would fulfil PC which can use exit, voice, loyalty and neglect method to eliminate BPC depending on age or work experience. OMB type O should attribute to overtime and low wage deteriorate the relationship between employers and employees. In addition, the workplace deviance and dysfunctional behaviour could be detrimental to the relationship as well. Job quality is also significant to raise job security and satisfaction because job redesign is to change the role and return of career when the economy changed.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Rip Van Winkle Essay -- Washington Irving
Rip Van Winkle In the late 1700's and early 1800's, literature began to show it was changing thanks to the newly formed democracy in America. As is the case with any young government, many different interest groups arose to attempt to mold the government according to their vision of democracy. Washington Irving, a native New Yorker born in 1783, grew up in a world engulfed in these democratic ideals. He grew up to be, as many would grow up in this atmosphere, a political satirist. This satirical nature of Irving's shows up well in "Rip Van Winkle", as he uses historical allusions and symbolic characters to mockingly compare colonial life under British rule to the democracy of the young United States. The reader assumes the appearance of Rip from the preceding paragraphs in which the author sets the general timeframe in the colonial era before and after the American Revolutionary war. To describe Rip one would have to look mostly at little hints in the story. The best way to describe Rip would be that he is very muscular because of all of the physical labor done in chores. We also learn Rip had light hair with blue eyes. Rip's clothing was that of the time period: black suits with fluffy white collars, tri-cornered hats, and brass buckles on the black shoes. Good-natured and helpful best describes Rip's attitude, this good faith towards all that eventually lands Rip in trouble. This story is full of historical instances. The first historical satire occurs attached to the name Peter Stuyvesant, who is mentioned twice with exaggerated praise. Stuyvesant, a harsh and strongly disliked governor, was in power when the English seized New York. Irving uses a false respect for Stuyvesant to make fun of the Dutch in New York, who blamed him for the loss of the land to the English. Having set the scene as a Dutch-friendly narrator, Irving introduces Dame Van Winkle, Rip's angry wife, who maintains contempt for Rip's laziness and carefree attitude. Dame Van Winkle' harsh control over her husband represents King George and the English rule of the colonies. Whereas George, yet felt faithful and attached to the Crown, mistreated the colonies Rip stood by his demanding wife. The irony is in Rip's non-caring attitude towards Dame Van Winkle. He was harassed and bossed, but he was content. Nicholas Vedder, the owner of the inn, who controlled the conversations and opi... ...ourse Rip, having been gone for twenty years, doesn't know what he is talking about and it goes on from there. Rip becomes very popular after telling his story to the villagers over and over again which proves that, in most cases, a fairy tale will beat out the truth in the order to please the public - and this story is no exception 1.     Poupard, Dennis "Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism." Sharon K. Hall, Vol. 4 Detroit, Michigan, Gale Research Company. 1981 Pg.1989-1992 2.     Greene, Gayle. "Yearbook 1986" Sharon K, Hall Vol. 44. "Contemporary Literary Criticism." Detroit Michigan. Gale Research Company. 1986. Pg.194-195 3.     Galens, Judith. "Nineteenth-Century literature Criticism." Joann Cerrito. Vol 41 Detroit. Gale Research inc. 1994 Pg. 31-35 4.     Greene Gayle. "Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism." Laurie Lanzon Harris. Vol 2 Detroit Michigan Gale Research Company. 1982 Pg.62-64 5.     Magill, Frank N. "Cyclopedia of literary Characters." A.J. Sobezak. Vol. 4 New Jersey. Salem press Inc. 1998. Pg. 1641-1645 6.     Rochin, Domingo "Rip Van Winkle an American story" Washington Irving. David Barfoot New York 1998 Pg.14-20
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Genetic Engineering Is Not Safe Essay -- Genetic Engineering Essays
Genetic engineering is the intended modification to an organism’s genetic makeup. There have been no continuing studies on this topic or action so there is no telling whether or not it is harmless. Genetic engineering is not safe because scientists have no absolute knowledge about living systems. Given that, they are unable to do DNA surgery without creating mutations. Any interference on an organism’s genetic makeup can cause permanent damage, hereditary defects, lack of nutritious food, or a spread of dangerous diseases. Even through the downsides of genetic engineering scientists have had a few breakthroughs. It can help us in our farming needs and also drugs for animals, and pesticides. For agriculture, engineering is used for herbicide tolerance which is the most commonly used form of alteration in plants, and it is also able to keep insects away. Drugs are also produced so that animals have healthier meat to eat. For example, chickens can be modified to produce more eggs and grow larger faster. Which is not a good thing but it is not necessarily bad. Also by doing this a person’s moral compass doesn’t exactly point due north. Biotechnology is when you produce something by using life sources. This process has an unlimited amount of possibilities. By forcing these changes on organisms and not letting them be, it can be helpful and or cause many dangerous risks to nature. By not letting the plants create their own pesticides naturally it can be helpful now but dangerous and regretful later on. Also, with the pesticide everywhere in a farm, it will lead to a tolerance to the pesticide on the part of the bugs and they will sooner or later be immune to it. For many people including myself who are against genetic eng... ... stop this process. Hopefully soon scientists will be able to minimize and control the amount of ‘beneficial’ genetic changes they make. Thus preventing any unwanted changes to our future society. Works Cited OMOTO, CHARLOTTE K. and LURQUN, PAUL F. Genes and DNA: A Beginners Guide to Genetics and It’s Applications. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004. LILLISTON, BEN and CUMMINS, RONNIE. Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers. Marlowe & Company, 2000. SINGH, RAM J. and JAUHAR, PREM P. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Grain legumes. Volume 1 of Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement, CRC press, 2004 â€Å"BIO Biotechnology Industry Organization†. June 2011. August 25 2011. â€Å"Genetic mutation†. August 25 2011.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Crowd Management in Sport Facilities Essay
When conditions or circumstances warrant substantial levels of wariness, crowd management as a consequence becomes prudent. The key in getting a safe and comfortable environment for large packs of people is in planning for their management. There is considerable prominence on crowd management planning and implementation since it is important to provide a safe environment for everyone. Crowd management must take into account all the rudiments of an event especially the type of event, for example a circus, sporting, concert, or carnival event. It must also view characteristics of the facility, dimension and demeanor of the crowd, methods of entry, communications, crowd control, plus queuing (Herb, 1998). As in all management, it must also include planning, arranging, staffing, directing in addition to evaluating. Crowd management is best defined as every element of the game or event from the design of the stadium to the game itself as well as the protection of the customers from unforeseeable risk of danger from other persons or from the actual facility itself. The main criteria for gouging if crowd control procedures are sufficient and suitable depend on the kind of event, threats of aggression, existence and sufficiency of the emergency arrangement, expectation of crowd size in addition to seating arrangement, known rivalries among teams along with schools, and the use of security personnel (Herb, 1997). Crowd management is therefore paramount in sports facilities and venues because of the large masses that throng such places. Some facilities involve more sport management than others, thus would require more crowd management during functions. Venues should be primarily assessed for safety and its ability to hold large crowds. From the evaluation, the results should be processed, conclusions drawn, proposals made and a report written to all parties involved. The team that carries out such a task should be well trained in this area and used to dealing with all sorts of events, particularly sports. Reference Herb, A. (1998) Risk Management in Sport: Issues and Strategies. London, Carolina Academic Press Miller, L. (1997) Sport Business Management. New York, Jones & Barlett Publishers.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Othello – Notions of Powerplay
Othello embraces many instances involving the dynamic of Powerplay. This can be examined through the relationships of characters: being Othello, Iago, Roderigo and Desdemona. Iago's relationship with Othello is where the clearest examples of Powerplay can be viewed. Iago maintains an overarching power over Othello in the play. Iago is successful in manipulating both the truth and Othello, describing Casio's departure from his meeting with Desdemona: â€Å"that he would steal away so guilty like, seeing you coming†. Iago's tremendous gift with language allows him to maintain power over Othello by essentially planting doubt in his mind. Throughout the play, Iago is successful in manipulating Othello through his artificial language which portrays himself as an ‘honest' friend who is there for assistance. This is reiterated throughout the play with constant repetition of the word ‘honest' when describing Iago and this is highly ironic as he is clearly the most dishonest character in Othello. Iago is often seen enraging Othello by providing extra, unnecessary details about Desdemona's supposed betrayal. Whilst attempting to remain innocent and of a moral high ground , Iago's gift with language enables this manipulation to have a greater effect on his victim, Othello. This is clearly conveyed when he describes Desdemona's unfaithfulness with Cassio where he lies â€Å"with her, on her, what you will†. This has an astronomical impact on the Moor who's response is furious and vicious. Iago's manipulation is further explored when he quotes after Othello has a epileptic fit â€Å"my medicine, work! â€Å". This enables the audience to understand Iago's thoughts and offers them insight as he acknowledges that his medicine, being his language is having a huge effect on Othello. He is now in complete control and possesses complete power. Powerplay can be notable seen through the relationship of Othello and Desdemona as she is innocent of all his accusations and only lives to serve him. Given the context, being Venice and Cyprus in the 16th century the men are the more powerful and capable whereas women serve a stereotypical purpose. This is also seen in Othello where Desdemona is entirely faithful to her husband the Moor as he is in control of the relationship. Often, however the powerplay is turned around as Desdemona is capable of convincing Othello with her delicate voice and he becomes her victim. Ultimately, the both fall victim to Iago, the ultimate manipulator and this is clear when he visits Desdemona, asking â€Å"Can he be angry? †after she confides in him about Othello's belief in her unfaithfulness which originated from Iago. This is highly ironic and makes clear the extent of Iago's power and control over all the characters. The relationship of Iago and Roderigo is based on power and manipulation as Iago uses him for financial gain. Roderigo is blurred in his ways by his love and lust for Desdemona and Iago recognises and capitalises on the opportunity he sees by this. This is clearly seen when Roderigo tells Iago that he will â€Å"incontinently drown myself†as he believes he will never have Othello's wife and after only minutes, Iago is able to convince him to â€Å"sell all my land†in order to provide Iago with financial support. Immediately, Roderigo then leaves and the audience is confronted with a soliloquy by Iago, referring to Roderigo as a â€Å"snipe†and explaining he has no emotional connection with Roderigo and he only uses him for his money. This offers insight into Iago, his evil train of thought and his manipulative qualities. Thus it can be seen that Othello clearly offers forward examples of Powerplay which can be examined through relationships within the play. Ultimately, at the centre of all Powerplay is Iago who is capable of extraordinary manipulation due to his strong ability with language, with his most obvious examples being Othello, Desdemona and Roderigo. The powerplay is so clear between the characters that is becomes very clear that manipulation is one of the foundations of powerplay.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Racism within football/Soccer Essay
As A glory hunter I support Middlesbrough.Admittadly not the greatest club in the Premier League.I take any victories and cup excursions with open arms.One such occasion was when they rose to the dizzy heights of the Zenith Data final at Wembley.Having travelled from Germany all night I was more than happy to be drinking in the pubs near the ground.I eventually started to talk to a group of Chelsea fans,it quickly became clear that they were racist in their attitude to any player who was Black and would not cheer if any Black player for Chelsea scored†?I asked them what they would do if they were in a European Cup final and it was a Black player who scored the winning goal or even a hat trick†? â€Å"No†was the reply â€Å"we would just sit in our seats and do nothing â€Å"I couldn’t believe it.I finished my drink and left the pub.If I was honest I couldn’t believe their bigoted attitude. I found it especially hard as at the time as I had just finished an active service tour of Northern Ireland where I had served along side Black people who I had worked closely with.I often wonder what those hypocrites would make of the present Chelsea team, full of very talented Black players.No doubt Chelsea are a better because of these players who have raised the clubs game and profile within England and Europe. Therefore to study football and how racism it and it’s affect upon society was an opportunity too good to be missed. An obvious starting point would be to define racism ? It be divided into three categories overt,institututional and covert. Black players within the game are routinely subject to overt racism at games (Gruneau,.(1999).Although not as frequently, they and their families can still be subjected to covert racism.In recent times institutional racism has never been far from the public eye especially in light of the Stephen Lawrence enquiry about his murder and the subsequent investigation that followed which was dogged by institutional racism (MacPherson,1999).Football and the structure of the game would also appear to being affected by institutional racism.There are very few Black coaches and managers being employed. Indeed what are the sociological effects this is having and how are these theories affecting the game of football ? Whilst it could be debated that football is autonomous it still has had to acknowledge the presence of racism.UEFA,Fiffa, along with respective F.A’s in the British Isles have sought to address this problem with campaigns e.g. ‘Football Unites Racism Divides’ and ‘Show racism The Red Card’. However football may be unwittingly providing an arena for any resentment and alienation that exists within communities.This behaviour is then displayed at matches.Although it would be hard to justify any racial behaviour of a player *Bowyer & Woodgate* .But what are the UEFA, Fiffa and the respective F.A’s doing in order to combat this problem ?Whilst it is an aim of this paper to acknowledge schemes that have been put in place to eradicate racism If we evaluate the success if any of schemes that have been run by UEFA, Fiffa and the F.A’s. we can see in recent events as those that took place at Sunderland in April 2003 these schemes are having little or no affect The game of football has changed.Clubs are now run as PLC’s (Public Limited Companies) they are heavily reliant on the support of sponsors and television rights to games.It could be suggested that these companies need to look at their responsibility towards their morale obligation of ridding the game of racism. *Bowyer & Woodgate* Sarfraz Najeib.Najeib along with his brother Shahzad and three friends, then students at Leeds Metropolitan University had been attending the the Majestyk night-club club when on leaving the club an argument took place with the then Leeds United player Jonathan Woodgate and Lee Bowyer.Bowyer was cleared of attacking student while Woodgate received 100 hours’ community service for affray. Little has been done by these companies to promote or forward any anti-racist programmes. Television companies appear willing to manipulate the fixture list for T.V. scheduling but are not willing to accept that there is a problem with racist behaviour. Consequently it is the intention of this paper in its it final section to propose a financial strategy that could be used to tackle the problem of racism within football. The British public has always had an affinity with the game of football.It has evolved and changed from ‘no rules’ to pre-war modern image onto a post-modern multi Million pound industry.High transfer fees and high wages are the norm.All seater stadiums especially in the Premier League better facilities and better standards are now expected. Satellite broadcasting reaches out to a larger audience than ever before with Sky paying in excess of  £1.2 Billion pounds for the rights.Terrestial T.V has also been engaged in this battle,culminating in the BBC losing a Saturday night national institution’Match Of The Day’. I.T.V now presents a polished and stylish programme for the fans along with a Black pundit and a female presenter,unheard of in previous decades (Giulonotti,1999). Broadsheet newspapers now actively report about football at great length.This domain was primarily reserved to the tabloid press and low quality magazines. Stadiums have changed for a number of reasons e.g. the Taylor Report 1995 after Hillsborough.The disasters at Bradford and Hysel forced governing football agencies to evaluate the structure of stadiums and the fans that attended these stadiums.These changes have attracted different fans Evidence to support this can be seen in the growth of executive boxes at football grounds (Greenfield, & Osborn,2001).Working class fans now regularly mix with the middle class. No longer is the primary class of fans attending the game working class. Racism is an easy term to use term.However it can and does have far reaching affects in society. There appears to be many definitions of the term although all these definitions arguably mean the same thing. Racism can be defined as a specific form of discrimination usually based on skin colour or membership of a minority ethnic group. It’s a system of group dominance. This system is both structural and ideological. That is, it embodies political, economic, and socio-cultural structures of inequality. It involves processes and practices of exclusion, oppression and marginalisation, as well as stereotypes and symbols required by these structures and processes (Gilroy,1995).Within this process there are three sub forms of racism,overt,covert and and institutional.Overt racism can be seen as something violent, even thuggish.It can be displayed through violent behavior,threats to the person and even through demonstrations and political parties.However some political parties e.g. the British National Party (B.N.P) are no strangers to overt and covert racism.Covert racism seeing a rise in popularity i.e. people nowadays are reluctant to express openly their dislike of and contempt fo r minorities, indeed they are not prepared to express publicly a sentiment that could be interpreted as racist. Racism (Gilroy,1995). Institutional racism has been defined as ordinary people going about their normal day to day business but producing outcomes that are disadvantageous to Black and ethnic minority groups.This form of racism can have catastrophic effects with regard to accommodation/housing, health and education leading to poor results for students (Cashmore, & McLaughlin, 1991).Whilst this example is related to racism within the state aparetus,a clear definition can be given by examining the Police and the ‘McPherson Report’Mcpherson reported that the Police was Institutional racist.This was protrayed in their investigations of racially motivated crime.A procedure known as ‘stop and search’.Routinly carried out against Black people. In short the very essance in which the Police went about their duties was institutional racist to people from ethnic minoroties.In the report he comments â€Å"Unwitting racism can arise because of lack of understanding, ignorance or mistaken beliefs. It can arise from well intentioned but patronising words or actions. It can arise from unfamiliarity with the behaviour or cultural traditions of people or families from minority ethnic communities. It can arise from racist stereotyping of black people as potential criminals or troublemakers. Often this arises out of uncritical self-understanding born out of an inflexible police ethos of the â€Å"traditional†way of doing things. Furthermore such attitudes can thrive in a tightly knit community, so that there can be a collective failure to detect and to outlaw this breed of racism. The police canteen can too easily be its breeding ground†( http://www.archive.official). With these definitions of racism established we can now examine why are there so few Black players within the game as a whole.Foot ball employs only 20% of Black players (Black ,2001).Whilst there are no figures for players with an Asian or Oriental background it would be fair to argue that these players are even fewer and at best token gestures.With only 1% of black people watching the game (holmes,2003.Appendix).This problem is not just confined to Football in Great Britain. If we look at America and the game of basketball we can see that for a long time they suffered same problem.Jay Coakley argues the reason why Black people were under-represented within coaching and management, was because of strong prejudices emanating from owners of clubs.These prejudices were founded in the belief that unless the Black coach or player make a dramatic impact upon their arrival they were doomed to failure.Coakley also adds that there was a strong stereotypical myth perpetrated by white people about Blacks, that there are â€Å"inferior intellectually†(Coakley,2001:301).While these beliefs are unfounded Coakley does however go onto argue : â€Å"that these barriers no longer exist, although it would be difficult to conclude that race and skin colour have become irrelevant†â€Å"(Coakley,2001:301). Therefore an argument may exist that these problems which America experienced we too are now experiencing ? Therefore Football has to tackle these problems and eradicate them in order to open the game out to a larger audience. UEFA Chief Executive Gerhard Aigner recently commented that racism was â€Å"an evil and a poison†( a recent conference held by UEFA at Stamford Bridge Chelsea.Aigner also commented that â€Å"We have to be prepared to reflect our duty.We have to to tackle racism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination and hatred.†( in the conference acknowledgement was given to f.a.r.e {Football Against Racism in Europe},there was also an acknowledgement that there is still much left to do in order to tackle some of the root causes.Within the British Isles there appears to be a multi-pronged attack on racism by the English,Scottish,Welsh and Irish F.A.s with the administration of Football Unites Racism Divides {f.u.r.d} and Show Racism The Red Card {s.r.t.r.c}. S.r.t.c aim is to â€Å"combat racism through anti-racist education and professional footballers are showing the way in terms of making a stand and fighting racism†( A member of f.a.r.e it targets school children as it’s audience and with the distribution of leaflets at football matches it seeks to capture a wider audience.It can count on the support of Sir Bobby Robson,Bryan Robson,Ian Wright,Gary Linekar amongst it’s supporters some of the most respected names in football.F.u.r.d seeks a more captive audience†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Children. F.u.r.d â€Å"believes that football, as the world’s most popular game, can help bring people together – people from different backgrounds, to play, watch and enjoy the game, and to break down barriers created by ignorance or prejudice†. ( in July 2001 put in place a fourteen point plan to tackle the problem.Amongst it’s recommendation was that there has to be an acceptance of r esponsibility amongst all those connected with the game to try and eradicate the game of racism.This is interesting only for the reason this is in direct contravention to one of F.I.F.A.s rules about international school children playing football together. FIFA have a regulation which bans foreign kids from playing with English kids.Chapter IV, article 12 of the FIFA Regulations governing the status and transfer of players ( The Mixer Soccer Academy, a full time private football academy in Dorset which attracts junior soccer stars from all over the globe, have a situation where their foreign students, playing and training football alongside English students all week, all year, are not allowed to play football with them at the weekend because the local Dorset FA. will not allow them to sign the appropriate forms and thereby allow them to play with the English kids. Perhaps if F.I.F. A revised their 2001 ethos and brought it up to date with other initives being run in Europe there would not be this contradiction in terms ?Giulianotti argues that whilst these schemes are important they are fundamentally flawed in their belief that all racists who attend the game belong to some political right wing extremist group or a hooligan group.Not so many hooligan groups contain Black people.Giulianotti argues powerfully that â€Å"this smug belief therefore removes the real from this type of behaviour†. (Giulianotti,1999 :163).When it is clearly not the case as he cites the first game played by John Barnes the first Black player for Liverpool who was taunted with racist crowd chant’s throughout the game. So how can we move forward.What I am about to present to you is not the holy grail of anti racist behaviour.Whilst there was an acknowledgement in the paragraph above about F.I.F.A.s short comings there was a chink of light in their fourteen point plan that may provide the foundation to the problem.F.I.F.A stated that it â€Å"requires the media to strongly condemn all acts of racist behaviour or declarations by any persons or groups, and to refrain from reporting such behaviour or declarations in a manner that may serve to provoke confrontation, and calls upon football websites (including those of clubs and national associations) to incorporate prominent anti-racism messages on their home-pages†( Let us take this a step further.Sky Sports pays the Premier League  £1.2 Billion pounds for the right to screen football.This money sees little light outside the Premier League if any at all. £2 Billion can be placed into an independent scehme,designed to target racism.This will provide a pro active starting point to tackling some of the root causes of racism within football. Within this target : All clubs MUST participate in this scheme. Packages that tackle the key issues of racism. Better training for stewards. Actively seek to promote an anti-racist culture within the club and stands. Accountability. Actively seek to employ players at playing and coaching levels from an ethnic background. The scheme has to be independent of the clubs.Primarily ran by elected members.These members must have no connection with a club or T.V.companies in any capacity. They would be given the power to award grants in order to aid clubs combat racism.Bonus payments could be made for meeting their set targets.But also the power has to be given to the panel in order to fine clubs that have failed to meet any basic level set.Nothing radical or complicated in this proposed package.These key points have to be implemented at all levels and everywhere in the club.You could be forgiven for thinking that all clubs actively employ this code of practice. Wrong.Richie Moran comments about racism within football.He comments that he was insulted and abused about everything from the colour of his skin to his hair style.This abuse was not only from the fans but it was equally directed from his fellow team mates.Consequently he left the game because of this abuse (Garlan,Malclom & Rowe,2000). You could also be forgiven for thinking this is an isolated case it would never happen now,Clubs are more aware and are actively seeking to promote an Anti-Racist ethos ? Wrong.During the compiling of this paper letters were sent to the following clubs{ appendix} Bradford, Oldham, Middlesborough, Sheffield United all disturbingly failed to reply to letters sent to them.Burnley were also contacted, they replied to the letter but were to busy to enclose any literature !{ appendix}Sunderland however were different. They were more than happy to distribute information about why and how they actively tackle racism at the Stadium Of Light.Sunderland do seem to have a pro-active attitude towards stamping out racism within football therefore it seems ironic.In the recent European qualifying match at the stadium Of Light there game was marred by violenceAmong those held were 25 individuals known to be associated with hooligan elements of Sunderland and Newcastle football clubs Police said no Turkish fans were arrested as a result of the match, which England won 2-0. The match had been given a high police priority, with around 1,000 officers on duty to prevent trouble between England fans and 5,000 Turkish supporters. At the height of the violence bottles, car wheel trims and bar stools were thrown at police. Superintendent Jim Campbell, of Northumbria Police, said â€Å"the policing of the event had been successful†! ( Football has changed.From it’s origins of ‘no rules’ to a modern post war image and then now into its present post-modern image.High transfer fees, high ticket prices and high wages have changed the game.Although argumentative there is a belief that the game has drifted away from it’s working class origins into a more middle class audience.Stadiums are more modern, they had to change.’Italia 90†² saw little or no hooliganism. Together with a good run for the English team helped promote a positive image of the game in the U.K. Satellite television has helped changed the environment by which football is viewed.However whilst the officials stand and pat themselves on the back they are becoming guilty of complacancy.We have still not rid the game of racism.Evidence from the England game against Turkey has shown it.As A consequence critics would argue that the English F.A got off lightly with a fine and not having to play the next home qualifying gam e against Slovakia behind closed doors at Middlesborough. Footballers their families and friends regularly suffer from the three forms of racism as set out in this paper covert,institutional and overt racism happen on a regular basis.Poor job prospects for managers and coaches and taunts from players and fans are common place.Fiffa,Uefa and the respective F.A.s are right to acknowledge this problem.However it would appear actions are short in their forth coming and it is nothing more than lip service.Fiffa almost got it right in their 2001 proposals when they said the media and other agencies have a duty to respond to racism.In order to survive clubs are dependant upon the large amount of income that television rights generate. Television companies have influence within the corridors of football.Why therefore can they not influence clubs to make a more aggressive stand towards racism ?By not taking an aggressive stand towards racism within the game, the television companies are condoning racism. It may be because they fear it is an issue too large to tackle on their own. Therefore they have to realise they are not alone in this stand.Simply by sticking their heads in the sand and not acknowledging they have power and the responsibility to take the appropiate action, they are allowing the biggots to go unchallanged and prosper un-hinderd.Admittadly it is hard for any fan to confront a person(s) using racist language,but there are phone and text lines which they can use at the match to inform stewards and the police.Why not write a letter to the club alerting them to this issue. Ultimately however the responsibility lies with the fan and society for this behaviour and it’s eradication from the game. Certain sections of our society are happy to abuse someone because they are Black and playing for the opposition. Surely as a modern society this cannot be right ? BIBLIOGRAPHY. Coakley,J.(2001).Sport In Society.McGraw-Hill International Cashmore,E & McLaughlin,E.(1991) Out Of Order Policing Black People.Routledge. Garland,J,Malcolm,D & Rowe,M. (2000).The Future of Football.Frank Cass Gilroy,P.(1995) There Ain’t No Black In The Union Jack Routledge Giulianotti,R.(1999) Football : A Sociology Of The Global Game Polity Press. Greenfield,S & Osborn,G.(2001) Regulating Football.Pluto Press. Gruneau,R.(1999) Class,Sports And Social Development.Human Kinetics. Kirk, B.M.(1996) A Simple Matter Of Black and White ? Avebury. The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry.(March 1999). H.M.S.O. INTERNET. NEWSPAPERS. Black,L (Dec18th,2001).One of The Lads.The Guardian.
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